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Governor Karyn Polito101 viewsOn August 19, the 30th anniversary of Hurricane Bob, Mattapoisett’s Select Board, town administrator, and harbormaster staff met at the harbor to discuss future repairs of Long Wharf and other maritime assets with Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, who noted state grant funding that the town has received and the availability of other grants in the next few years. Photo by Marilou Newell
Mattapoisett Road Race 101 views Mattapoisett Road Race held on August 21
Ski Jumps101 viewsTabor Academy sophomores Andrei Sarbu (yellow pants) and Joe Barry and friends enjoyed their Sunday afternoon, turning the little sledding slope on Spring Street at Tabor Academy’s soccer field into a ski jump. The two 16-year-olds took turns sticking landings from atop roadway barriers. Barry is from Falls Church, Virginia, and Sarbu is a native of Chico, California. Photos by Mick Colageo
Crime Scene Investigation101 viewsMattapoisett Police Detective Scott LeBlanc made an appearance at Old Hammondtown School on Friday, when Emily DeBortoli (Italia shirt) and many other fifth graders learned about investigating crime scenes outside the school building. Photos by Ryan Feeney - February 17, 2022 edition
Department of Public Works Director101 viewsFrom the edge of Marion’s wastewater lagoon, Department of Public Works Director Nathaniel Munafo points out what’s in store for the surrounding area should Marion voters approve funding for a new DPW operations center at the May 9 Annual Town Meeting. Munafo said the recently rehabilitated lagoon only contains rainwater as of now and is expected to come online by the end of May. Photos by Mick Colageo
Mattapoisett Congregational Church100 viewsMattapoisett Congregational Church held outdoor service on Sunday featuring “Bring your own lawn chair,” as some folks sat in cars at curbside. No hymns were sung by members; the socially distant, mask-clad crowd enjoyed musical tunes by Jake Huntsinger, and Pastor Amy Lignitz-Harken gave the sermon. Communion was served from individual sealed wafers and wine cups (grape juice). The recorded service can be found on ORCTV and on the church’s Facebook link to YouTube. Photos courtesy Jennifer Shepley
Melody Pacheco100 viewsOn March 17 family, friends, and co-workers came out in force to beep and wave at retiring Mattapoisett Town Hall employee Melody Pacheco, who ended her 35-year career after serving in a variety of capacities, including assistant to the town administrator, for over a decade. While Pacheco looked on from the steps of Town Hall, all in attendance wished her a very happy retirement with cheers of “Thank You” and tears of gratitude. Photos by Mick Colageo
Osprey100 viewsMary-Ellen Livingstone shared these photos of the ospreys that returned to their nest on March 29.
Ospreys100 viewsThe ospreys have doing some home renovations, and mother osprey has not left her nest since mid April. The father seems to go fishing, snack on the fish, and bring the rest to the mother. Hopefully, we will see some babies in June. It looks like his fish feast could feed a family of four. Photos by Mary-Ellen Livingstone
Mattapoisett Land Trust Education Committee100 viewsOn Thursday, June 3, for the first time in 14 months, visitors were allowed on Old Hammondtown School property and the Mattapoisett Land Trust Education Committee designed a Grade 2 Life Science seed program, required by Massachusetts second grade curriculum – Ecosystems: interactions, energy, and dynamics through the planting and life cycle of the sunflower.
Wildlife100 viewsRobert Pina shared these wildlife photos he captured on Point Road in Marion.
ORR Field Hockey100 viewsEach year, the Old Rochester Regional High School field hockey team members engage in a community service project. This year, on September 15, they went to "Sharing the Harvest Community Farm" at the YMCA of Dartmouth. The team worked hard in planting and preparing the fields for the next set of crops. All the produce is donated to 20 local hunger relief programs throughout the South Coast region. Photo courtesy Kate Souza
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