The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Vernal Pools129 viewsAn April 17 exploration of a vernal pool led by Mattapoisett Land Trust Treasurer and wildlife expert Gary Johnson led a party of 10 along a muddy trail through the woods off Angelica Avenue past a forest clearing and ultimately to two vernal pools. Photo by Mick Colageo
Mattapoisett Woman’s Club Garden Group129 viewsRed, white, and blue was Sharon Doyon’s vision of the Mattapoisett Woman’s Club Garden Group as 18 members gathered at the library to plant on May 26 in areas including the pots at the Mattapoisett Historical Society and Town Hall, window boxes at the post office and Town Beach house, the lighthouse garden at the harbor, plus the gardens and planters at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library.
Mattapoisett Sailing128 viewsThe Mattapoisett Sailing program is in its final week for the 2020 season. Begun in 2006 in memory of William Mee, the program is open to community children divided into two age groups that meet weekday mornings and afternoons at Mattapoisett Town Beach. From 9-11 am and 1-3 pm, students sail under the watchful eye of experienced instructors and three safety boats. For more information on how to support this non-profit organization, visit
Good People128 viewsThe Marion Art Center produced the play “Good People” last weekend to an outdoor audience at Bicentennial Park in Marion. Photos by Mick Colageo
Art on Angelica128 viewsNancy Prefontaine saw this display while kayaking on the east side of Angelica.
Council on Aging Knitters128 viewsCouncil on Aging Knitters meet at Ned’s Point to knit at 11:00 am on Mondays. (rain dates are Wednesdays at 11:00 am). All knitters are welcome to join us. Photo courtesy Marie Rottler
Marion Flu Clinic128 viewsThe Town of Marion held a flu-shot clinic for residents on October 8 at the Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center. The event was organized by Public Health Nurse Lori Desmarais, Marion Police Lieutenant Richard Nighelli and the town’s Board of Health, along with the assistance of many volunteers from within and outside Marion. Photos by Mick Colageo
TriTown Clean-up128 viewsOn a recent sunny Saturday afternoon, the ORR Community Service Learning Club, the ORR Environmental Club, and Mattapoisett Boy Scout Troop 53 came together to help the Mattapoisett Land Trust. Four students from the clubs and eight Boy Scouts met up at the MLT Santos Farm Property at the end of Bowman Road to help clear the property of vines and branches. Photos courtesy Wendy Copps
TriTown Clean-up128 viewsOn a recent sunny Saturday afternoon, the ORR Community Service Learning Club, the ORR Environmental Club, and Mattapoisett Boy Scout Troop 53 came together to help the Mattapoisett Land Trust. Four students from the clubs and eight Boy Scouts met up at the MLT Santos Farm Property at the end of Bowman Road to help clear the property of vines and branches. Photos courtesy Wendy Copps
ORR Debate Team128 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional Debate Team has just concluded a successful season. Twenty-five students from ORR were included in the 300 students in the Eastern Massachusetts Debate League from 15 schools from around Massachusetts.
Munro Park128 viewsJerry Baker shared this picture of a pair of swans in water off Munro Park.
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