The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Mattapoisett Fire Station149 viewsThe Mattapoisett Fire Station Building Committee has seen through to completion the town’s new facility on Route 6. Before the December 11 raising of the American flag, hundreds gathered inside to hear from the committee’s members and town officials. Fire Chief Andrew Murray presented the shovel that first broke ground to Committee Chairman Mike Hickey and certificates of appreciation to Hickey, Committee member William Kantor, Fire Department Captain Jordan Collyer, Photos by Mick Colageo
Pie & Poinsettia149 viewsIn lieu of the annual senior luncheon, the Town of Marion collaborated with the Marion Fire Fighters Association, the Marion Police Brotherhood and Tabor Academy to hold a Pie & Poinsettia pickup on December 11 at the Cushing Community Center. Photos by Mick Colageo
Sippican Schooner 5k and Mini Fun Run 148 views Sunday, May 4 was a perfect day for a fun run through Marion, and about 200 people turned out to participate in VASE’s second annual Sippican Schooner 5k and Mini Fun Run to raise money for educational programs at Sippican Elementary School. VASE member Diana Martin organized the event, with the support of about 12 volunteers who assisted that morning in making sure the two races went off without a hitch. Photo by Felix Perez
ORR Class of 2017148 viewsOn Saturday, June 3, seniors at Old Rochester Regional High School received their diplomas and tossed their caps to the sky with joy as the rain held off long enough for the commencement ceremony. Photos by Felix Perez
Weekend Fun148 viewsWhat did you do on the weekend? We asked our Facebook fans and these are the memories they shared.
4th of July148 viewsMattapoisett Boatyard set up its 40-foot mooring barge with a 50-foot crane to display a 30 foot by 50 foot American flag in the middle of Mattapoisett harbor. The flag was supplied by Richard DeMello, who owns Bete-Fleming Inc. in Mattapoisett and was reportedly thrilled to see the flag on display. Ned Kaiser of Mattapoisett Boatyard conjured up the idea a few days prior, thinking this would be a great way to give back and display the United States flag boldly and with pride. Photo courtesy David Kaiser
Long Walk148 viewsAt age 88, Brad Hathaway is nearing the completion of his mission to walk the equivalent of the earth’s 24,901 mile circumference, and he is dedicating his effort to fundraising for the Mattapoisett Land Trust. Photo by Ryan Feeney.
Mattapoisett Women’s Club 148 viewsThe Mattapoisett Women’s Club held an outdoors BYO lunch at Ned’s Point last week. Photos by Jennifer Shepley
RBG148 viewsA memorial for RBG at 31 Hollywoods Road by Meredith Richardson and her father Dr. Peter Anas. We miss our Supreme Court Justice.
TriTown Clean-up148 viewsOn a recent sunny Saturday afternoon, the ORR Community Service Learning Club, the ORR Environmental Club, and Mattapoisett Boy Scout Troop 53 came together to help the Mattapoisett Land Trust. Four students from the clubs and eight Boy Scouts met up at the MLT Santos Farm Property at the end of Bowman Road to help clear the property of vines and branches. Photos courtesy Wendy Copps
ORR Drama Club148 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High School Drama Club will present a freshly filmed, full-length movie of “Macbeth - An Outdoor Film Event” on Friday, May 21, and Saturday, May 22, on the ORRHS softball field off Route 6 in Mattapoisett. Refreshments will be available for a cash donation in the concession area. There will be a portable restroom on site but no indoor access. May 13, 2021 edition
Old Colony PTO Family Festival 148 viewsFamilies enjoy arts and crafts during the festival. Photos by Mick Colageo
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