The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Super Duper Summer Fair155 viewsThe Super Duper Summer Fair sponsored by the First Congregational Church of Marion had something for everyone. There was a plant sale, baked goods, books and toys for sale, and games for the kids – just a lot of good old-fashioned fun on a beautiful sunny summer day. Photos by Jean Perry & Felix Perez
Annual Marion SpringFest155 viewsMay 9 was the day of the Annual Marion SpringFest sponsored by the Sippican Lands Trust and the Tree and Parks Committee! There was a performance by the Toe Jam Puppet Band, a Birds of Prey demonstration, face painting, and a rock-climbing wall. All over Marion on Saturday you could see signs on the spring season, including the Recreation Department’s annual event, “Touch a Truck.” Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Natural History Museum155 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum afterschool group had a chance to explore the soils last Wednesday. Many thanks to soil scientist Maggie Payne of the USDA's Natural Resource and Conservation Service. We learned what makes a "good" soil and why that's important to everyone, from farming to building a house. The students had fun conducting experiments with the soils and had a chance to build their own soil profiles to take home. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold
Marion Halloween Parade 2015155 viewsThe Annual Marion Halloween Parade was a Monster Mash smash with hundreds turning out to haunt the village and collect treats along the way. The parade is sponsored by Marion Art Center. Photos by Colin Veitch
Human Geometry155 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit
Soapbox Derby 155 viewsThe Marion Cub Scouts Pack 32 Biennial Soapbox Derby rolled through Holmes Street in Marion on November 14, along with the annual food drive in partnership with the Marion Police and the First Congregational Church of Marion. Over 500 pounds of food were
Gingerbread Houses155 viewsWhile others were out bustling on the last Saturday before Christmas, a couple dozen of the littler library patrons enjoyed the day making candy gingerbread houses at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library on Saturday, December 19.
Special Olympics Young Athletes155 viewsRoughly 120 Tabor Academy students volunteered on January 10 to assist with the school’s first session of the Special Olympics Young Athletes™ program held at Tabor. The program offers children ages 3-7 with intellectual and developmental disabilities opportunities to engage in physical activities vital to mental and physical growth. Spearheaded by Math teacher Tim Cleary and Tabor senior Molly Bent, sessions continue January 17 to March 6 (no session February 7) at 2:00 pm at the Fish Center for Athletics
RMS Students vs Staff Basketball Game155 viewsThe staff at Rochester Memorial School beat the students again for the 15th year in a row during the annual RMS students versus staff basketball game on January 22. The Friday night event attracted a gymnasium full of spectators who witnessed the staff’s 83-72 win over the students. Photos by Colin Veitch
RMS Students vs Staff Basketball Game155 viewsThe staff at Rochester Memorial School beat the students again for the 15th year in a row during the annual RMS students versus staff basketball game on January 22. The Friday night event attracted a gymnasium full of spectators who witnessed the staff’s 83-72 win over the students. Photos by Colin Veitch
RMS Students vs Staff Basketball Game155 viewsThe staff at Rochester Memorial School beat the students again for the 15th year in a row during the annual RMS students versus staff basketball game on January 22. The Friday night event attracted a gymnasium full of spectators who witnessed the staff’s 83-72 win over the students. Photos by Colin Veitch
Thoroughly Modern Millie155 viewsTabor Academy is set to debut its annual musical production, this year starring Aurelia Reynolds in “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” directed by John Heavey. This production of 50 students opens Thursday, February 18 and runs daily at 7:30 pm until Sunday, February 21 at the Fireman Performing Arts Center at Tabor Academy, Front Street. Photos by Colin Veitch
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