The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Homecoming Week at ORR160 viewsIt was Homecoming Week at Old Rochester Regional High School, and October 23 was the annual ORR pep rally when students from each grade perform a skit to show school spirit. This year, the junior class took first place with its Peter Pan-themed skit. Photos by Jean Perry
Marion Halloween Parade 2015160 viewsThe Annual Marion Halloween Parade was a Monster Mash smash with hundreds turning out to haunt the village and collect treats along the way. The parade is sponsored by Marion Art Center. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Halloween Parade 2015160 viewsThe Annual Marion Halloween Parade was a Monster Mash smash with hundreds turning out to haunt the village and collect treats along the way. The parade is sponsored by Marion Art Center. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Halloween Parade 2015160 viewsThe Annual Marion Halloween Parade was a Monster Mash smash with hundreds turning out to haunt the village and collect treats along the way. The parade is sponsored by Marion Art Center. Photos by Colin Veitch
A Midsummer Night’s Dream160 viewsThe ORR High School Drama Club performed its fall production of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” over the weekend. The show opened on November 19 and ran until November 22. Drama teacher Paul Sardinha directed the play, and Helen Blake created the costumes. Photos by Colin Veitch
ORRJH Thanksgiving Banquet 160 viewsORR Junior High School eighth-graders hosted the annual Thanksgiving Banquet for Tri-Town Seniors on Sunday, November 22. About 90 student volunteers helped pass out turkey dinners and raffle prizes, and cafeteria staff also volunteered their time to provide a delicious meal of thanks to area senior citizens. Photos by Colin Veitch
Sparkle and Shine160 viewsCenter School’s first, second, and third graders treated their classmates and teachers to their annual holiday performance in the gymnasium on Monday, December 21. The students presented “Sparkle and Shine,” a musical celebrating the light at the top of the tree. Photos by Jean Perry
Tinkhamtown Chapel Christmas160 viewsThe spirit of Christmas came to Mattapoisett on December 19 by way of Christmas caroling at the annual Tinkhamtown Chapel Christmas carol sing. The little chapel was filled with the voices of those who keep this decades-old tradition alive and pass it on to the next generation. Photos by Colin Veitch
Special Olympics Young Athletes160 viewsRoughly 120 Tabor Academy students volunteered on January 10 to assist with the school’s first session of the Special Olympics Young Athletes™ program held at Tabor. The program offers children ages 3-7 with intellectual and developmental disabilities opportunities to engage in physical activities vital to mental and physical growth. Spearheaded by Math teacher Tim Cleary and Tabor senior Molly Bent, sessions continue January 17 to March 6 (no session February 7) at 2:00 pm at the Fish Center for Athletics
Special Olympics Young Athletes160 viewsRoughly 120 Tabor Academy students volunteered on January 10 to assist with the school’s first session of the Special Olympics Young Athletes™ program held at Tabor. The program offers children ages 3-7 with intellectual and developmental disabilities opportunities to engage in physical activities vital to mental and physical growth. Spearheaded by Math teacher Tim Cleary and Tabor senior Molly Bent, sessions continue January 17 to March 6 (no session February 7) at 2:00 pm at the Fish Center for Athletics
Special Olympics Young Athletes160 viewsRoughly 120 Tabor Academy students volunteered on January 10 to assist with the school’s first session of the Special Olympics Young Athletes™ program held at Tabor. The program offers children ages 3-7 with intellectual and developmental disabilities opportunities to engage in physical activities vital to mental and physical growth. Spearheaded by Math teacher Tim Cleary and Tabor senior Molly Bent, sessions continue January 17 to March 6 (no session February 7) at 2:00 pm at the Fish Center for Athletics
Thoroughly Modern Millie160 viewsTabor Academy is set to debut its annual musical production, this year starring Aurelia Reynolds in “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” directed by John Heavey. This production of 50 students opens Thursday, February 18 and runs daily at 7:30 pm until Sunday, February 21 at the Fireman Performing Arts Center at Tabor Academy, Front Street. Photos by Colin Veitch
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