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Old Rochester Regional High Graduation 161 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High Graduation ceremony on June 4 included speeches from Superintendent Doug White, Principal Michael Devoll, Class President Bailey Sweet, and Valedictorian Paige Watterson. The seniors then got together in one large circle to throw their caps in the air as the final act they would perform together as a class. Congratulations to the ORR Class of 2016! Photos by Colin Veitch
Old Rochester Regional High Graduation 161 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High Graduation ceremony on June 4 included speeches from Superintendent Doug White, Principal Michael Devoll, Class President Bailey Sweet, and Valedictorian Paige Watterson. The seniors then got together in one large circle to throw their caps in the air as the final act they would perform together as a class. Congratulations to the ORR Class of 2016! Photos by Colin Veitch
Opening Day161 viewsResidents of Marion and Mattapoisett celebrated the grand opening of their beloved town beaches on Saturday, June 25. At Silvershell Beach in Marion, the Marion Recreation Department provided an array of food, fun, and games for beachgoers, and in Mattapoisett, kids enjoyed face painting, sack races, and, of course, plenty of sun. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Horse Show161 viewsThe Fourth of July is also the day for another Marion tradition, the Marion Horse Show at Washburn Park. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Fourth of July Parade161 viewsIf you made it to this year’s Marion Fourth of July parade, then you got to see the spectacular floats and parade displays all vying for that top prize, “Best in Parade.” Shown here is the float entry for Silveira Farms in Rochester. Photo by Colin Veitch
Marion Art Center Halloween Parade 161 viewsIt looked as though nearly a thousand people came out for the Marion Art Center Halloween Parade on Monday, October 31. The event gets bigger and better every year, it seems, judging by the number of people and the degree of creativity when it comes to the costumes. Photos by Jean Perry
Annual Turkey Trot 5K 161 viewsThe Annual Turkey Trot 5K wound its way through Marion Village on Sunday, November 17, with 182 trotters (and some ‘turkeys’ as well) braving a chilling wind that morning to make it to the finish line. Organized by the Marion Recreation Department, the event every year draws quite a flock of runners to the start and finish line at Tabor Academy, raising funds for Marion Rec programs and events. Photos by Colin Veitch
Alice @ Wonderland 161 viewsThis ORRJHS drama production of Alice @ Wonderland is going to be a smash! In a modern twist to the Carroll classic, watch as a 21st century Alice, played by Bess Pierre and Alexandria Strand, preoccupies herself over status updates, cell phone service, WI-FI availability, and even her own existence, as she heads down the rabbit hole and mingles with the slightly sarcastic versions of the classic characters we know and love. There is a performance Friday at 7:00 pm and Saturday at 2:00 pm. Jean Perry
Center School Art161 viewsCenter School was the center of creativity and artistic expression on March 29 during the annual Center School Art Exhibition. Artwork created by students at both Center School and Old Hammondtown was on display Wednesday for the public to view and admire. Photos by Jean Perry
Destination Imagination161 viewsThree Tri-Town teams are headed to the Destination Imagination Globals Competition in Knoxville, Tennessee on May 24.
Fox Pups161 viewsStephen Chicco snapped this photo of some fox pups on Converse Point.
EmpowORR161 viewsSaturday, May 20, marked the official establishment of the “EmpowORR” Community Garden behind Old Rochester Regional Junior High School. The students and staff of the Transition Program at ORR High School established the garden to provide an opportunity for students with unique abilities to gain horticultural experience, including the sale of the produce at local farmers’ markets, while fostering community service opportunities. Photos by Jean Perry
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