The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Eastover Trail513 viewsA boardwalk stretches through "Eastover South", a new Marion hiking trail that is being built by the Trustees of Reservation and a group of local volunteers. Photo by Robert Chiarito
2019 Halloween Cover Contest513 views2019 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by Lyra Demendonca. This entry was voted to be the 2019 winner!
Lizzie T's Spelling Bee512 viewsElizabeth Taber Library's First Annual Lizzie T's Spelling Bee. March 8, 2007
Teams Thursday Tennis Group and Seaside School Sea Bees in the final round
Cub Scouts Clean Up512 viewsMembers of Mattapoisett’s Cub Scout Den #1 cleaned the Mattapoisett Town Beach and parking lot while working on their citizenship achievement recently on April 7. Pictured here at the beach cleanup are (l. to r.) Kyle Boyle, James Leidhold, Lars Eklund and Owen Lee. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold).
MAC Turns 50512 viewsThe Marion Art Center celebrated their 50th anniversary on Saturday, July 14, 2007 with an "Arts in the Park" event at Bicenntennial Park in Marion Village that included artisans, crafts, and entertainment for all ages. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Cream of the Crop512 viewsMembers of the Souza family of Rochester all pitched in to help harvest this year’s crop of cranberries at one of the few remaining bogs in town. The family recently took over the bog in an effort to revive and continue the proud farming tradition for which the area has become known. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Christmas Stroll 2007512 viewsMembers of the Sippican School Band perform holiday favorites during Marion's Annual Christmas Village Stroll held on Sunday, December 9, 2007. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Christmas Stroll 2007512 viewsSanta climbs aboard a horse-drawn carriage after arriving by boat during Marion's Annual Christmas Village Stroll held on Sunday, December 9, 2007. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Christmas Stroll 2007512 viewsBell-ringers perform holiday favorites during Marion's Annual Christmas Village Stroll held on Sunday, December 9, 2007. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Cool Chat512 viewsThe Mattapoisett Historical Society presented a program on the history of “Ice Harvesting” on Sunday, February 10. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).

Rowing on the River512 viewsRyan Stopka and Gary Stopka, both of Rochester, took second place in the Parent-Child Division in the 2008 running of the Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race held on Monday, May 26, 2008. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Sippican Elementary Election.jpg
Mock Election512 viewsMembers of the Sippican School Student Council are preparing to participate in a Mock Election on Tuesday, October 28 — one week before the nationwide presidential election. Every student will cast a ballot for his/her choice for president and vice president. In addition, staff members, visitors and sixth grade students will complete a short questionnaire on issues they consider important in this election. (Photo courtesy of Faculty Advisor Stacey Soucy).
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