The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Arts in Action499 viewsMarion’s Sippican School was host to the Third Annual “Arts in Action” showcase of local talent which took place on Saturday, April 12. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Play Ball!499 viewsThe Rochester Youth Baseball (RYB) League held their Opening Day ceremony in the town center on Saturday, April 19 with a parade to the Dexter Lane ballfield. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).

Rowing on the River499 viewsKate Hartley of Rochester and Amy Hartley-Mattson of Mattapoisett took first place in the Women's Division in the 2008 running of the Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race held on Monday, May 26, 2008. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Coyote Lecture499 viewsDr. Jonathon Way offers a fascinating presentation on coyotes at the Friends Meeting House on Route 6 in Mattapoisett as part of a lecture sponsored by the Mattapoisett Land Trust. Dr. Way, who was raised and lives presently in Barnstable, has been fascinated by coyotes since he was in high school and he noted that coyotes exist in 49 of the 50 United States, with the exception being Hawaii. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry499 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry
Idol Worship499 viewsMattapoisett's Knights of Columbus Hall was the tri-town's version of the Kodak Theater on Saturday evening, March 7 as it hosted the second annual Magic of Music Idol 2009 talent contest. (Photo by Robert Chiarito)
Opening Day499 viewsThe Rochester Youth Baseball League held their annual opening day ceremony and parade on Saturday, April 11. About 400 people, including players, coaches and their families, participated in the procession that made its way down Route 105 to Gifford Park’s Al Herbert Memorial Field for the opening day festivies. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Rochester Goes Hillbilly499 viewsA Hillbilly Dinner Dance was held at Redman Hall in Wareham on Saturday, February 27, 2010 to benefit the 11th annual Rochester Country Fair. After dinner, Twinkies were provided for dessert and The Relics provided music. This year's Rochester Country Fair will be held on August 19, 20 and 21 at Plumb Corner and the theme will be “Hillbilly Days”. Photos by Felix Perez. March 4, 2010 edition
10u All-Star499 viewsThe Marion/Mattapoisett Baseball 10u All-Star team won the Freetown Little Fenway Tournament, beating Falmouth 12-9 in the finals. Pictured here are: (Front row, left to right): Kyle Gillis, Luke Muther, Owen Sughrue, Jackson Reydl, James Dwyer, Jack McCain. (Back row, left to right): Coaches Matt Lanagan, Jamie Dwyer, Matty Lanagan, George Whitney, Andrew Riggi, Russ Noonan and Manager J.J. Reydel. Photo courtesy of Kim Dwyer.
Himalayas499 viewsLindsey Smith traveled to the the Himalayas in Nepal where she hiked for 7 days to reach Everest Base Camp standing at 17,598 ft. She sent along this photo of her with The Wanderer.
Sippican School Science Fair499 viewsSippican School held its annual Science Fair on Monday, March 11, with each grade level showcasing a variety of topics from the classic ‘gummy bear osmosis’ to more contemporary topics such as climate change and electric planes. Photos by Jean Perry
Mattapoisett Library 499 viewsFrom now until the end of June, enjoy the artistic paring of library books and sculpture at the Mattapoisett Library exhibit of works by Nathaniel Fuchs. An epidemiologist by day, Fuchs enjoys creating works from wood. Some have been created from an apple tree that once was a source of play for the Fuchs brothers. Now a trio of vases remain as beautiful reminders of those carefree days. Photos by Marilou Newell
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