The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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RMS Art164 viewsRochester Memorial School students exhibited their fine works of art of all types of every medium on Thursday, May 26, at the annual RMS Art Show. Photos by Jean Perry
Center School Field Day164 viewsIt turned out to be a gorgeous day on Tuesday, June 7, for the annual Center School Field Day activities. Relay races, hula hoops, cup stacking, parachute tossing, and even bubble-blowing kept the students busy and active across the school grounds in a constant whirlwind of motion and color. Photos by Jean Perry
Center School Field Day164 viewsIt turned out to be a gorgeous day on Tuesday, June 7, for the annual Center School Field Day activities. Relay races, hula hoops, cup stacking, parachute tossing, and even bubble-blowing kept the students busy and active across the school grounds in a constant whirlwind of motion and color. Photos by Jean Perry
Center School Field Day164 viewsIt turned out to be a gorgeous day on Tuesday, June 7, for the annual Center School Field Day activities. Relay races, hula hoops, cup stacking, parachute tossing, and even bubble-blowing kept the students busy and active across the school grounds in a constant whirlwind of motion and color. Photos by Jean Perry
Art In Bloom164 viewsThe Marion Art Center presented Art In Bloom on June 3 with a showing of paintings by artists Susan Strauss of Westport and Alison Horvitz of Somerset. In collaboration with the Marion Garden Group, paintings were staged with floral arrangements to provide viewers with a unique art installation. The paintings will be on view for the next month. Photos by Marilou Newell
Art In Bloom164 viewsThe Marion Art Center presented Art In Bloom on June 3 with a showing of paintings by artists Susan Strauss of Westport and Alison Horvitz of Somerset. In collaboration with the Marion Garden Group, paintings were staged with floral arrangements to provide viewers with a unique art installation. The paintings will be on view for the next month. Photos by Marilou Newell
Old Rochester Regional High Graduation 164 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High Graduation ceremony on June 4 included speeches from Superintendent Doug White, Principal Michael Devoll, Class President Bailey Sweet, and Valedictorian Paige Watterson. The seniors then got together in one large circle to throw their caps in the air as the final act they would perform together as a class. Congratulations to the ORR Class of 2016! Photos by Colin Veitch
Rochester Memorial School Science Fair164 viewsEveryone was ‘sciencing’ at the Rochester Memorial School Science Fair the evening of Monday, June 6. Some unique experiments answered some provocative questions such as which type of gum flavor lasts longer: regular or sugarless? Can we slow down global warming with cow diapers? Can you bounce an egg? Photos by Jean Perry
Marion Village 5K164 viewsThe number of participants in this year’s Marion Village 5K might have been down slightly according to race organizers, but the sentiment of fun and competition certainly was not on Saturday, June 25. Taking first place for men was Andrew Sukeforth of Middleboro with a time of 15:43, and Meg Hughes of Rochester won first place in the women’s division with a time of 19:50. The annual 5K race that winds its way through scenic Marion village is now in its 20th year. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Village 5K164 viewsThe number of participants in this year’s Marion Village 5K might have been down slightly according to race organizers, but the sentiment of fun and competition certainly was not on Saturday, June 25. Taking first place for men was Andrew Sukeforth of Middleboro with a time of 15:43, and Meg Hughes of Rochester won first place in the women’s division with a time of 19:50. The annual 5K race that winds its way through scenic Marion village is now in its 20th year. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Village 5K164 viewsThe number of participants in this year’s Marion Village 5K might have been down slightly according to race organizers, but the sentiment of fun and competition certainly was not on Saturday, June 25. Taking first place for men was Andrew Sukeforth of Middleboro with a time of 15:43, and Meg Hughes of Rochester won first place in the women’s division with a time of 19:50. The annual 5K race that winds its way through scenic Marion village is now in its 20th year. Photos by Colin Veitch
Opening Day164 viewsResidents of Marion and Mattapoisett celebrated the grand opening of their beloved town beaches on Saturday, June 25. At Silvershell Beach in Marion, the Marion Recreation Department provided an array of food, fun, and games for beachgoers, and in Mattapoisett, kids enjoyed face painting, sack races, and, of course, plenty of sun. Photos by Colin Veitch
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