Mattapoisett Fire Department Open House174 viewsThe Mattapoisett Fire Department welcomed the community on Thursday, October 8 during its annual Open House. Families enjoyed food, fun games, live demonstrations, and activities aimed at educating the public on fire safety during this National Fire Prevention Week. Photos by Colin Veitch
Mattapoisett Women's Club174 viewsOn October 6, the Garden Group of the Mattapoisett Women's Club and their guests toured the Green Animals Topiary Gardens and historic Brayton Home in Portsmouth RI. Following the tour, the ladies enjoyed lunch at The Cove Restaurant in Fall River. Photo courtesy Bev Gleason
Marion Halloween Parade 2015174 viewsThe Annual Marion Halloween Parade was a Monster Mash smash with hundreds turning out to haunt the village and collect treats along the way. The parade is sponsored by Marion Art Center. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Halloween Parade 2015174 viewsThe Annual Marion Halloween Parade was a Monster Mash smash with hundreds turning out to haunt the village and collect treats along the way. The parade is sponsored by Marion Art Center. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Halloween Parade 2015174 viewsThe Annual Marion Halloween Parade was a Monster Mash smash with hundreds turning out to haunt the village and collect treats along the way. The parade is sponsored by Marion Art Center. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Halloween Parade 2015174 viewsThe Annual Marion Halloween Parade was a Monster Mash smash with hundreds turning out to haunt the village and collect treats along the way. The parade is sponsored by Marion Art Center. Photos by Colin Veitch
Human Geometry174 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit
Soapbox Derby 174 viewsThe Marion Cub Scouts Pack 32 Biennial Soapbox Derby rolled through Holmes Street in Marion on November 14, along with the annual food drive in partnership with the Marion Police and the First Congregational Church of Marion. Over 500 pounds of food were
Soapbox Derby 174 viewsThe Marion Cub Scouts Pack 32 Biennial Soapbox Derby rolled through Holmes Street in Marion on November 14, along with the annual food drive in partnership with the Marion Police and the First Congregational Church of Marion. Over 500 pounds of food were
Soapbox Derby 174 viewsThe Marion Cub Scouts Pack 32 Biennial Soapbox Derby rolled through Holmes Street in Marion on November 14, along with the annual food drive in partnership with the Marion Police and the First Congregational Church of Marion. Over 500 pounds of food were
ORRJH Thanksgiving Banquet 174 viewsORR Junior High School eighth-graders hosted the annual Thanksgiving Banquet for Tri-Town Seniors on Sunday, November 22. About 90 student volunteers helped pass out turkey dinners and raffle prizes, and cafeteria staff also volunteered their time to provide a delicious meal of thanks to area senior citizens. Photos by Colin Veitch
ORRJH Thanksgiving Banquet 174 viewsORR Junior High School eighth-graders hosted the annual Thanksgiving Banquet for Tri-Town Seniors on Sunday, November 22. About 90 student volunteers helped pass out turkey dinners and raffle prizes, and cafeteria staff also volunteered their time to provide a delicious meal of thanks to area senior citizens. Photos by Colin Veitch
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