The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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King's Realm502 viewsScenes from the 27th season of the King Richard’s Faire in Carver, MA, running every weekend through October 19. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
2008 Plumb Corner Halloween502 views2008 Plumb Corner Halloween
Early Thanksgiving502 viewsA group of student volunteers from Old Rochester Regional Junior High School once again served an early Thanksgiving dinner, replete with turkey and all the fixings, on Sunday, November 23 to senior citizens of Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester. The annual Tri-Town Seniors Thanksgiving pre-holiday event was held inside the ORR Cafeteria and featured a fine meal, raffle and door prizes, and a chance to enjoy the fellowship of young and old alike. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Safety Days502 viewsThe Marion Police Brotherhood hosted their first annual Public Safety Day at Marion's Silvershell Beach on Saturday, June 13. The event included the installation of child safety seats in residents' vehicles, fingerprint and photo id cards for children along with displays from a variety of local, state and federal government public safety agencies. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Route 6 Crash502 viewsAt 1:01pm the Mattapoisett Police and Fire Departments were called out to a one vehicle motor vehicle crash on Route 6 at the Marion town line. The driver of the vehicle reportedly lost control of the vehicle and hit a telephone pole splitting off the bottom of the pole. The driver later refused medical treatment. The Police and Fire Department had to stand by while waiting for NSTAR to secure the power lines which were still energized and causing smoldering fires in the adjacent trees.
Jerusalem502 viewsEssam, Jane and Andrew Awad, with The Wanderer in tow, enjoyed a family vacation to Jerusalem in November 2010. Photo courtesy of Jane Awad
Merano Italy502 views This Linda Rinaldo a 2013 ORR graduate and AFS exchange student holding the Wanderer. She returned home to Merano Italy late June . The particular issue celebrates ORR 2013 graduates on its cover !
Lighthouse Halloween502 viewsThe spooky season is now among us, but then just like that, in the blink of a Jack o’ lantern’s eye, we will be into the Christmas season switching pumpkins for wreaths and candy corn for candy canes. In the meantime, enjoy the spooky sights around the Tri-Town, like this lighted carved pumpkin competing for attention with the light from the Ned’s Point Lighthouse. Photo by Felix Perez - October 24, 2019 edition
Caribbean502 viewsTeresa and Mark Dall recently visited the islands in the Caribbean, as seen here enjoying a beautiful view overlooking St. Lucia.
Old Rochester Regional Superintendent 502 viewsMike Nelson, assistant superintendent of schools for the Old Rochester Regional district, was voted in as the replacement for retiring Superintendent Doug White effective June 30. Nelson, a Plymouth resident, has been working in the ORR district the past six years. Photo by Ryan Feeney March 12, 2020 edition
Wind Power501 viewsRochester Golf Course owners Stuart and Judy Tallman have erected a windmill on the course off Route 105 in the hopes of using it to help generate and supply power for the property’s clubhouse. The 80-foot high tower is topped with a 10-kilowatt turbine, which should produce about 20,000 kw of electricity for the Golf Club annually. The Tallmans received a grant through the Massachusetts Technology Collaboration to obtain the windmill. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Senior Spring Fling501 viewsSeniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester participated in the eighth annual “Spring Fling” dance party on Sunday, May 6 in the Sippican School cafeteria. The event was hosted by the Marion Council on Aging (COA) with a group of student volunteers from Old Rochester Regional Junior High School, who not only helped serve refreshments, but also joined their elders on the dance floor for some contemporary and traditional dances. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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