The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Arts in the Park183 viewsThe Marion Art Center held its 2015 Arts in the Park on July 11. Local artists and crafters had the chance to display their talents to the community at Bicentennial Park off Main and Spring Streets. Photos by Colin Veitch
Arts in the Park183 viewsThe Marion Art Center held its 2015 Arts in the Park on July 11. Local artists and crafters had the chance to display their talents to the community at Bicentennial Park off Main and Spring Streets. Photos by Colin Veitch
Harbor Days 2015183 viewsThe weather was fine for Harbor Days, the annual week-long event organized by the Mattapoisett Lions Club. The weekend portion of Harbor Days featured vendors, food, train rides for the kids, and a number of entertainment programs, including The Showstoppers on Sunday, July 19. Photos by Colin Veitch and Jean Perry
Harbor Days 2015183 viewsThe weather was fine for Harbor Days, the annual week-long event organized by the Mattapoisett Lions Club. The weekend portion of Harbor Days featured vendors, food, train rides for the kids, and a number of entertainment programs, including The Showstoppers on Sunday, July 19. Photos by Colin Veitch and Jean Perry
Harbor Days 2015183 viewsThe weather was fine for Harbor Days, the annual week-long event organized by the Mattapoisett Lions Club. The weekend portion of Harbor Days featured vendors, food, train rides for the kids, and a number of entertainment programs, including The Showstoppers on Sunday, July 19. Photos by Colin Veitch and Jean Perry
Super Duper Summer Fair183 views The First Church of Marion held its Annual Super Duper Summer Fair on July 25. The fundraising event is a familiar, welcome event every summer in Marion, and it has something to offer everyone. The fair featured a plant sale, White Elephant, games for the kids, book sale, yard sale, and of course, clam cakes. Photos by Jean Perry
Antique Car Show183 views It was a great turnout for the Agawam’s 3rd Annual Antique Car Show at Washburn Park in Marion on Saturday, August 29. Classic car entrants signed their antique automobiles up for a chance to win first, second, or third place in the show. The sponsoring group, Agawam Chapter No. 121 Order of the Eastern Star, uses the proceeds from the event to benefit various charities the group supports. The group meets regularly at the Masonic Hall located at 13 Spring Street in Marion. Photos by Colin Veitch
Brad Barrows Ride183 viewsThe annual Brad Barrows Ride took place on Saturday, September 19, with around 60 to 70 participants riding on roughly 40 motorcycles. The fundraiser proceeds go to fund local youth sports, a cause that was dear to the late Barrows’ heart. Barrows was the owner of the bad “Brad’s” in Mattapoisett until his death in 2007. Photos by Colin Veitch
Brad Barrows Ride183 viewsThe annual Brad Barrows Ride took place on Saturday, September 19, with around 60 to 70 participants riding on roughly 40 motorcycles. The fundraiser proceeds go to fund local youth sports, a cause that was dear to the late Barrows’ heart. Barrows was the owner of the bad “Brad’s” in Mattapoisett until his death in 2007. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Art Center183 viewsThe Sippican Lands Trust teamed up with the Marion Art Center for a non-juried exhibition called “Images: Lands of the Sippican Lands Trust,” showcasing works of art inspired by the natural beauty of some of the conservation land protected by the SLT in Marion. The show began on October 2 with an opening reception when artists were present to introduce their pieces to the public. Photo by Jean Perry
Mattapoisett Fire Department Open House183 viewsThe Mattapoisett Fire Department welcomed the community on Thursday, October 8 during its annual Open House. Families enjoyed food, fun games, live demonstrations, and activities aimed at educating the public on fire safety during this National Fire Prevention Week. Photos by Colin Veitch
Homecoming Week at ORR183 viewsIt was Homecoming Week at Old Rochester Regional High School, and October 23 was the annual ORR pep rally when students from each grade perform a skit to show school spirit. This year, the junior class took first place with its Peter Pan-themed skit. Photos by Jean Perry
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