The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Mattapoisett Historical Museum Photos191 viewsThe Mattapoisett Historical Museum is in possession of hundreds of photographs dating from the 1800s to as recently as the 1980s bearing images of people and places from Mattapoisett, but lacking identification. In their latest exhibit, the museum is asking the public to help solve the mystery each of the pictures represents. Each black and white or colorized image is a mini-mystery waiting to be solved. Photos (of the photos) by Marilou Newell
TinkArt 2020191 viewsLocal artists are displaying and selling their works through September 28 at the building next door to the Tinkhamtown Chapel. Photo by Marilou Newell
Meeting John Adams191 viewsGeorge Baker starred as John Adams on September 25 before an audience at the Marion Music Hall during Baker’s presentation entitled “Meet John Adams – A Witty and Revolutionary Conversation with America’s Second President.” Baker dressed in full period costume and assumed the personality of Adams, sharing his views on the nation, his family life, and the country’s history. Photo by Felix Perez
Family Fall Festival191 viewsFamilies found some fun autumn activities on October 18 at the Mattapoisett Historical Society’s annual Family Fall Festival, rescheduled from October 4 due to inclement weather. Photo by Felix Perez
Cranberry Outing191 viewsPerfect weather brought out the young and the young at heart to the second annual cranberry harvest at “The Bogs” on Acushnet Road in Mattapoisett, a Buzzards Bay Coalition property. The retired bog acreage is slowly returning to meadows and woodlands. But for now cranberries continue to grow giving the do-it-yourself harvester a chance to enjoy nature’s bounty. Photos by Marilou Newell
Marion Natural History Museum191 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum’s afterschool group enjoyed a wonderful program about sea turtles of Buzzards Bay last Wednesday. During the program the students had a chance to view videos of hatchling turtles, learn a little about sea turtle biology, and handle some live terrapins. We wish to thank Don Lewis and Sue Weber Nourse for providing this exciting program. Photos courtesy Turtle Journal.
Sergeant Kasey Koch191 viewsThe Center School students in Jennifer Aarsheim’s first grade class spent the afternoon on November 24 making thank you cards addressed to Sergeant Kasey Koch serving in Afghanistan, who is connected to some local troops who also served in Afghanistan. The students put together care packages as a way to say thank you to our troops this Thanksgiving. Photos by Jean Perry
Mattapoisett Christmas191 viewsSanta, Rudolph, and Frosty -- plus food, crafts for kids, and the annual tree lighting are some of the hallmarks of a Mattapoisett Christmas. The Mattapoisett Lion’s Club in partnership with local businesses hosted the annual tree lighting at Shipyard Park on Saturday, December 13. The Lions also collected toys and canned goods in support of local charities. Photos by Marilou Newell
Santa at the Rochester Post Office191 viewsSanta made a stop at the Rochester Post Office on December 20 to collect some letters from Tri-Town children and to take some time to visit with the kids and have a little juice and cookies. Photos by Felix Perez
Hairspray at Tabor Academy191 viewsHairspray, the musical, is coming to Tabor Academy’s Fireman Center for the Performing Arts in Hoyt Hall in Marion. Hannah Rolighed stars as lead role Tracey Turnblad who transforms her life through dance and determination, while also transforming her hometown of Baltimore by challenging segregation and racism. The production runs from February 19 to February 21. Photos by Colin Veitch
Boston Post Cane191 viewsSelectman Naida Parker presented Rochester’s oldest resident with the Boston Post Cane on February 20. Armand Cournoyer, 100, who now resides at the Sippican Healthcare Center, received the cane during a small ceremony while surrounded by friends and three generations of family members. Photos by Jean Perry
Sharing Your Passion: Personal Collections191 viewsThe Mattapoisett Historical Society’s event “Sharing Your Passion: Personal Collections” on February 26 made for an exciting and eclectic display of rare, as well as seemingly random, objects. Left: Old Prince Albert tobacco boxes are lined up from Katherine Gaudet’s collection of rare tins. Right: Guests admire Nate Bekemeier’s quirky collection of items he collected over the years, each with its own story attached, stored inside his handmade display table. Photos by Felix Perez
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