Folk Benefit532 viewsThe Marion Music Hall was the sight of a concert to benefit The Women's Center of New Bedford this past Saturday evening, March 14. The show featured the talents of reknowned husband and wife duo Atwater-Donnelly who played several sets of traditional folk music.
Opening Day532 viewsThe Rochester Youth Baseball League held their annual opening day ceremony and parade on Saturday, April 11. About 400 people, including players, coaches and their families, participated in the procession that made its way down Route 105 to Gifford Park’s Al Herbert Memorial Field for the opening day festivies. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
No Strings Attached532 viewsThe Old Hammondtown Drama Club presented the play No Strings Attached on April 16, 2009 in the School's auditorium. The play, a musical version of the story of Pinocchio, was directed by ORRHS student Chelsie Nectow and included a cast of several dozen OHS students. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Women's Auxiliary532 viewsJessica Collyer, left, and Joanne Collyer, right, pose with Hazel Kakley, center. The Collyers were among several volunteers handing out balloons at the Women's Auxiliary Club booth at the 2009 Harbor Days in Mattapoisett.
Albuquerque Balloon Festival532 viewsShirley Reynolds and Peter Smith are seen here at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival this October.
Turning Stone Resort532 viewsJudy Gomes took a Wandereer on a visit to Turning Stone Resort in Verona upstate New York where the weather changes quickly!
Lizzie T's Spelling Bee531 viewsElizabeth Taber Library's First Annual Lizzie T's Spelling Bee. March 8, 2007
Team: Cutters; Michael Feeney, Jeremy Hughes, & Jon Arms, react to being eliminated
Lizzie T's Spelling Bee531 viewsElizabeth Taber Library's First Annual Lizzie T's Spelling Bee. March 8, 2007
Library Director Judith Kleven welcomes everyone to the event!
History Lessons531 viewsVolunteer members of the Rochester Historical Society presented a diverse program about the town's rich history to members of the Grade 3 classes at Memorial School on Monday, April 30. Among the various topics covered were the first Native American settlers, how early Rochester residents dressed and ate, and what type of games and pasttimes former residents enjoyed. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Senior Spring Fling531 viewsSeniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester participated in the eighth annual “Spring Fling” dance party on Sunday, May 6 in the Sippican School cafeteria. The event was hosted by the Marion Council on Aging (COA) with a group of student volunteers from Old Rochester Regional Junior High School (pictured here) who not only helped serve refreshments, but also joined their elders on the dance floor for some contemporary and traditional dances. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Seaside Symphony531 viewsThe eleventh annual Buzzards Bay Musicfest was held in the Fireman Performing Arts Center of Tabor Academy in Marion on July 11-14, 2007 under the direction of Maestro Russell Patterson. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Running Man531 viewsKenyan runner Nicholas Kamakya trains with kids during the final Marion Mile Just for Kids competition held last week at Tabor Academy. The athlete talked about running in Kenya and led the kids through warm-ups and stretching prior to jogging along in the back of the pack with some of the youngest competitors. (Photo courtesy of Chris Adams).
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