The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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History Lessons521 viewsVolunteer members of the Rochester Historical Society presented a diverse program about the town's rich history to members of the Grade 3 classes at Memorial School on Monday, April 30. Among the various topics covered were the first Native American settlers, how early Rochester residents dressed and ate, and what type of games and pasttimes former residents enjoyed. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
MAC Turns 50521 viewsThe Marion Art Center celebrated their 50th anniversary on Saturday, July 14, 2007 with an "Arts in the Park" event at Bicenntennial Park in Marion Village that included artisans, crafts, and entertainment for all ages. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Rochester Woodsman Show 2007521 viewsOne of the highlights of the annual Rochester Country Fair was the Woodsman Show and Competition held on Friday night, August 17. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Mattapoisett Halloween Parade 2007521 viewsThird Place winner in the Grade 5 and 6 category was Amanda Correiro as a butterfly. (Photo by Deborah Silva).
Holiday in the Park 2007521 viewsA couple of Santa's helpers pose during Mattapoisett's annual "Holiday in the Park" celebration which was held in Shipyard Park on Saturday, December 1, 2007 and drew a record crowd to the seasonal seaside event. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
ORR Online521 viewsORR High School Television Instructors Deb Stinson and Lee Shionis look over the newly-installed equipment in the recently reopened television studio in the basement of Old Rochester Regional High School during a recent walk-through of the facility. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Zip Trip521 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008.
CoastSweep 2008521 viewsSixth graders from Sippican School in Marion pitched in to help with the CoastSweep coastal clean-up on Saturday, September 20 at Silvershell Beach. Members of the Sippican School Student Council who volunteered that morning included (from left) Danielle Cammarano, Tayler Glavin, Julianne Mariner, Hannah Lerman, Julia O’Rourke and Emma Purtell. (Photo courtesy of Jim O’Rourke).
Citizen Cane521 viewsMembers of the Rochester Board of Selectmen (from left) Richard Nunes, Dan McGaffey and Bradford Morse recently presented ninety-eight-year-old Chester "Chet" Rollins of Rochester with the Boston Post cane during a presentation ceremony at his home on Friday, December 19. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Marion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006520 viewsMarion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006
Marion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006520 viewsMarion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006
Relay for Life520 viewsThe American Cancer Society held their third annual Relay for Life of the Tri-Town at the Old Rochester Regional High School track on Friday, June 8 and Saturday, June 9 to raise funds in the fight against cancer. This year 21 teams of walkers raised more than $60,000 before the first step had been taken on Friday night — more than tripling the total amount of money raised in the first year of the walk-a-thon in 2005. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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