Lizzie T's Spelling Bee537 viewsElizabeth Taber Library's First Annual Lizzie T's Spelling Bee. March 8, 2007
Timekeeper Joan Healy and Judges; Deborah Dahill, Paul E. Kandarian, and Matt D’Andrea
Firefighters' Memorial537 viewsSecond graders at Rochester’s Memorial School took their annual walking field trip to the Firefighters’ Memorial to plant red geraniums. For the past six years, the young gardeners have planted before Memorial Day to give back to the community that has given so much to them. Armed with a variety of digging tools, watering cans, and a host of parent volunteers, these children enjoyed the work and appreciated the support of the Highway Department, Fire Department and Police Department. (Photo by Connie Holt).
Fourth of July Parade 2007537 viewsMarion's Annual Fourth of July Parade held on July 4, 2007. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Tea with Twain537 viewsMattapoisett's 150th Sesquicentennial Celebration Victorian Tea with "guest" Mark Twain was held on Wednesday, August 8 in Shipyard Park. (Photo by Tim Smith).
Marion Block Party 2007537 viewsMarion's Benjamin D. Cushing Post VFW 2425 gave the town one last chance to kick up its heels before sending the kids back to school as they threw an end-of-the-season Block Party in honor the town’s World War II and other veterans. Several hundred people attended the event held on Spring Street in front of Marion’s Town House on Saturday night, August 25. (Photo by Laurie Chiarito).
A Sort of Homecoming537 viewsMembers of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church met at Ned’s Point for an open-air church service on Sunday, September 9 as the congregation celebrated their fourth annual “Homecoming Sunday.” Reverend Dr. Virginia Child welcomed nearly 200 church members, friends and guests to a morning filled with fellowship, food and games. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Center School Book Fair537 viewsMattapoisett’s Center School, in conjunction with the Mattapoisett Parents-Teachers Association (PTA), held a book fair from Friday, November 9 through Thursday, November 15. The event was designed to not only put books in the hands of youngsters, but to also provide a fundraiser for the school’s library. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Cool Chat537 viewsThe Mattapoisett Historical Society presented a program on the history of “Ice Harvesting” on Sunday, February 10. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Evita at ORR537 viewsThe ORR Drama Club’s production of Evita was presented in the ORR High School Auditorium on March 27-30, 2008. (Photos by Robert Chiarito).
Play Ball!537 viewsThe Rochester Youth Baseball (RYB) League held their Opening Day ceremony in the town center on Saturday, April 19 with a parade to the Dexter Lane ballfield. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
CoastSweep 2008537 viewsSixth graders from Sippican School in Marion pitched in to help with the CoastSweep coastal clean-up on Saturday, September 20 at Silvershell Beach. Members of the Sippican School Student Council who volunteered that morning included (from left) Danielle Cammarano, Tayler Glavin, Julianne Mariner, Hannah Lerman, Julia O’Rourke and Emma Purtell. (Photo courtesy of Jim O’Rourke).
Flu Clinic537 viewsDr. Tom Streeter prepares to vaccinate a little girl during the recent Marion Flu Clinic held at Tabor Academy on November 8 while Town Nurse Amanda Stone, RN, and Board of Health member Betsy Dunn confer in the background. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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