The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Library Henna197 viewsThe Elizabeth Taber Library hosted a henna tattoo program for teens, with each guest receiving their own henna creation by professional henna artist Heather Cault-Nulton. The art of henna dates back thousands of years and has recently grown in popularity. As part of a new initiative to draw teens into the library, the afternoon henna event was held on March 1 and attracted 13 area teens to experience the beauty of henna. Photos by Colin Veitch
Easter Egg Fun197 viewsSaturday was a picture perfect day at Veteran’s Park in Mattapoisett for the Lions Club’s annual Easter egg hunt. Dozens of children made the dash to collect their fair share of Easter candy and enjoyed an afternoon of popping bubbles by the lighthouse with entertainer Vinny Lovegrove. Photos by Colin Veitch
3D Printing197 viewsThe Mattapoisett Free Library unveiled its brand new 3D printer this weekend during a presentation given by tech expert Kevin Osborn. Osborn gave a demonstration on Saturday, April 16, of the library’s very own brand new Ultimaker 2 3D printer. Photos by Colin Veitch
Electronic Recycling197 viewsThe Rochester Land Trust held an electronics recycling drop-off on Saturday, April 23, during the Women’s Club’s Earth Day Town-wide Clean-up. They received a steady stream of retro radios, tube TVs, and boom boxes, making it look like a curatorship of a vintage electronics museum of sorts. Photos by Colin Veitch
Kids Equipment Fun Day197 viewsSaturday, May 7, was the date for the annual Kids Equipment Fun Day at Washburn Park in Marion, sponsored by Marion Recreation. The kids climbed aboard ambulances, fire trucks, police cruisers, and even the harbormaster’s boat. This year, Recreation Director and Selectman Jody Dickerson served up free hotdogs during the popular event that seemed to draw a bigger crowd this year than the previous years. Photos by Ethan Akins
ORR Class of 2016197 viewsClass of 2016 photo courtesy of Pacheco Studio.
Flag Day197 viewsCenter School students gathered together with Old Hammondtown students by the Center School flagpole on the morning of Tuesday, June 14, to celebrate Flag Day. The OHS band played a number of tunes, while the Center School students sang patriotic songs and listened to Principal Rose Bowman read a series of poems and writings to remind the children of what the American flag stands for. Afterwards, the third-graders treated the seniors to the school’s annual senior breakfast. Photos by Jean Perry
Band Blast197 viewsThe masses swarmed to the front lawn of Sippican School to attend the 15th Annual Band Blast fundraiser for the schools music programs. Dollars raised pay for Music Festival fees and transportation, equipment purchase, repair and replacement, reed purchase and scholarship funds. The band members are the hosts, and our generous band families make it a success. Photos by Collin Vietch
Marion Horse Show197 viewsThe Fourth of July is also the day for another Marion tradition, the Marion Horse Show at Washburn Park. Photos by Colin Veitch
Mattapoisett Historical Society Museum197 viewsOn Thursday, June 30, members of the Mattapoisett Historical Society Museum got a sneak preview of the new Summer Fun exhibit. Photos by Marilou Newell
Taste of the Town197 viewsPeople with a taste for fine food flocked to Shipyard Park in Mattapoisett on the evening of Tuesday, July 12 for the annual Taste of the Town. Local restaurants and cafés dole out servings of their specialty foods for ticket holders to the event hosted by the Mattapoisett Woman’s Club. The event is the biggest yearly fundraiser for the Woman’s Club. Photos by Colin Veitch
Harbor Days 197 viewsHarbor Days came to Mattapoisett this past weekend, and many visitors were gracious enough to spin The Wanderer Wheel for a $1 donation to the Lions Club. Those who played helped raise an extra $523 the Lions Club will use to benefit the community. The Aardvark came out too, but since furry aardvarks hate hot weather, he only made a couple of appearances. Photos by Jean Perry
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