The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Planting Shellfish547 viewsStudents participating in the Marion Natural History Museum’s recent after-school planting shellfish program with Marion Shellfish Officer Isaac Perry plant seedlings to help repropogate the area’s natural resource. On Wednesday, October 1, the group took advantage of low tide to do some digging and help renew the town’s shellfish beds. They also examined clams and oysters and then buried them in the mud under Mr. Perry’s guidance. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold).
Opening Day547 viewsThe Rochester Youth Baseball League held their annual opening day ceremony and parade on Saturday, April 11. About 400 people, including players, coaches and their families, participated in the procession that made its way down Route 105 to Gifford Park’s Al Herbert Memorial Field for the opening day festivies. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Morocco547 viewsMark and Teresa Dall pose with The Wanderer in the city square in Morocco on a recent trip to the western Mediterranean.
Palmdale, California547 viewsThe Wanderer made it to Palmdale, California. From left: Joseph Roza, Ollie Roza, Danny Rosa, and Liam Rosa.
Marion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006546 viewsMarion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006
Marion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006546 viewsMarion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006
Marion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006546 viewsMarion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006
ORR Senior Thanksgiving 2006546 viewsMembers of the eighth grade class at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School held their sixteenth annual Thanksgiving Banquet for tri-town senior citizens on Sunday, November 19. With help from the school’s faculty and volunteers from the school’s food services department, the students offered a homemade Thanksgiving meal to over 300 seniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester with free tickets distributed through the towns’ Councils on Aging. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Secret Santa546 viewsEager children ask Jolly Ol' Saint Nicholas for some of their wish-list items for Christmas during Mattapoisett's first annual Holiday Village Stroll at Shipyard Park on Saturday, December 2. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Rochester's Great Dane546 viewsMembers of the Memorial School Drama Club rehearse for their production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The club will perform The Bard’s classic for fellow students on Thursday, May 31 at 9:00 am, with a public performance slated for Friday night, June 1 at 7:00 pm. The show is directed by Danni Kleiman and tickets are $7 at the door. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Marion Block Party 2007546 viewsMarion's Benjamin D. Cushing Post VFW 2425 gave the town one last chance to kick up its heels before sending the kids back to school as they threw an end-of-the-season Block Party in honor the town’s World War II and other veterans. Several hundred people attended the event held on Spring Street in front of Marion’s Town House on Saturday night, August 25. (Photo by Laurie Chiarito).
Book Bargains546 viewsBook lovers had a chance to find a good read or two as the Friends of the Joseph Plumb Memorial Library in Rochester held their annual book sale under a tent on the library’s lawn on Saturday, September 8. Bargain hunters have been flocking to this event for years in search of the perfect book and this sale was no exception with shoppers arriving bright and early to get the first crack at box upon box of reading pleasures all priced at $2 or less. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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