The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Marion Town Party206 viewsThis year’s Marion Town Party on Saturday, August 26, was a smashing success with more donations, more people in attendance, and more fun activities for the young people – of which there were also more, as many commented during the event. Photos by Glenn C. Silva
Back to School 206 viewsParents and students waited excitedly outside the Sippican School doors on Monday night, waiting to attend the annual Open House when students get to meet their new teachers and view their new classrooms. Photos by Jean Perry
Ryan McFee206 viewsThis week’s Tri-Town Profile features area artist and Mattapoisett resident Ryan McFee. McFee has an art studio/gallery in New Bedford and is also known for his large-scale murals and street art. Photos by Jonathan Comey
Marion Halloween Parade 2017206 viewsHalloween in the Marion village is one event that shouldn’t be missed! Hundreds upon hundreds of little ghosts, ghouls, and goblins took to the streets to show off their costumes and follow it up with some treats (no tricks) and refreshments at the Marion Music Hall, sponsored by those very kind witches at the Marion Art Center. The Sippican School students led the parade under the direction of Hannah Moore. Photo by Paul Lopes
Salty’s Silvery Moon Soirée206 viewsSalty’s Silvery Moon Soirée at Dunseith Gardens in Mattapoisett was the place to be for storytelling and s’mores on Saturday, October 28. Sponsored by the Mattapoisett Land Trust, the event has become a beloved annual autumn event in Tri-Town. Photos by Glenn C. Silva
Salty’s Silvery Moon Soirée206 viewsSalty’s Silvery Moon Soirée at Dunseith Gardens in Mattapoisett was the place to be for storytelling and s’mores on Saturday, October 28. Sponsored by the Mattapoisett Land Trust, the event has become a beloved annual autumn event in Tri-Town. Photos by Glenn C. Silva
Dia de los Muertos206 viewsThe Spanish language students at ORR designed these altars in honor of El Dia de los Muertos – Day of the Dead – and displayed them in the ORR library commons last week. Photos by Erin Bednarczyk
Marion Fire Department Open House206 viewsThe Marion Fire Department held its annual Fire Station Open House on Monday, November 6, hauling out the red carpet to guests with free face painting, pizza, cookies, and of course, don’t forget the red plastic fire helmets! Photos by Jean Perry
Tractor Pull206 viewsThe NEATTA enjoyed a gorgeous fall day in Rochester for its annual fall tractor pulling event on Saturday at the Rochester Country Fair grounds that were once again, albeit briefly, filled with the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of diesel smoke we all expect from a good day at the tractor pulls! Photos by Jean Perry
“Noices Off!”206 viewsWhat do you mean the cover looks a little ‘off’ this week? It is! It’s ‘off’ as in “Noices Off!” What else should we do when we got one great production and two – yes, two – fabulous casts! Noises Off! premieres Thursday night at 7:30 pm, with a Friday and Saturday night show, plus a Sunday matinee at 2:00 pm. Photo by Felix Perez
“Noices Off!”206 viewsWhat do you mean the cover looks a little ‘off’ this week? It is! It’s ‘off’ as in “Noices Off!” What else should we do when we got one great production and two – yes, two – fabulous casts! Noises Off! premieres Thursday night at 7:30 pm, with a Friday and Saturday night show, plus a Sunday matinee at 2:00 pm. Photo by Felix Perez
Soapbox Derby206 viewsMembers of Marion Cub Scout Pack 32 participated in a soapbox derby this Saturday, November 18 on Holmes Street in Marion. Photos by Sarah French Storer
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