
Marion Art Center Halloween Parade 207 viewsIt looked as though nearly a thousand people came out for the Marion Art Center Halloween Parade on Monday, October 31. The event gets bigger and better every year, it seems, judging by the number of people and the degree of creativity when it comes to the costumes. Photos by Jean Perry

Annual Turkey Trot 5K 207 viewsThe Annual Turkey Trot 5K wound its way through Marion Village on Sunday, November 17, with 182 trotters (and some ‘turkeys’ as well) braving a chilling wind that morning to make it to the finish line. Organized by the Marion Recreation Department, the event every year draws quite a flock of runners to the start and finish line at Tabor Academy, raising funds for Marion Rec programs and events. Photos by Colin Veitch

Annual Turkey Trot 5K 207 viewsThe Annual Turkey Trot 5K wound its way through Marion Village on Sunday, November 17, with 182 trotters (and some ‘turkeys’ as well) braving a chilling wind that morning to make it to the finish line. Organized by the Marion Recreation Department, the event every year draws quite a flock of runners to the start and finish line at Tabor Academy, raising funds for Marion Rec programs and events. Photos by Colin Veitch

No-Shave November207 viewsCosmetology students at Old Colony gave five Rochester Police officers a shave and a haircut on November 30, marking the end of No-Shave November. The officers raised over $1,500 letting their facial hair grow out, a no-no for the rest of the year for the officers. The funds will benefit Home Base, a charity that serves soldiers returning from combat with PTSD. Photos by Jean Perry

Pizza with Santa207 viewsThe Marion Police Brotherhood held its 5th annual Pizza with Santa on Sunday, December 4, at the Marion Music Hall. Kids shared a pie with jolly old Saint Nick and later posed for pictures. Photos by Colin Veitch

Benjamin D. Cushing VFW Post 2425207 viewsMembers of the Benjamin D. Cushing VFW Post 2425 were present on Wednesday, December 7, for the signing over of the 465 Mill Street VFW building, marking the official transfer of the building to the Town. Selectmen thanked the gentlemen for their years of service within the town before Post Commander Demi Barros and Rodney Hunt signed the deed. Photo by Jean Perry

Holiday in the Park207 viewsT’was the fortnight before Christmas and all through the park, every creature was stirring including Santa, Mrs. Claus, Rudolph, and Frosty the Snowman! On Saturday, December 10, hundreds turned out for Mattapoisett’s holiday celebration at Shipyard Park where fun, free food, and frolicking characters made for a great night of revelry leading up to the tree lighting. Photos by Jean Perry

Asian Market207 viewsRMS sixth-grade students of Danni Kleiman and James Sullivan participated in the school’s very first “Asian Market” on Friday, December 9, as a way to learn about bartering and commerce. Students representing a host of different countries set up their stands to sell goods such as oil, cotton, sugar, produce, and livestock. Photos by Jean Perry

Freezin’ for a Reason Polar Plunge207 viewsIt takes a certain type of person to jump into the cold ocean on New Year’s morning. Behold, the locals who fit that description as they enjoy a frosty January 1st at Mattapoisett Town Beach for the annual Freezin’ for a Reason Polar Plunge! Hundreds lined the beach to take the plunge, with bundled spectators watching from the sidelines and cheering as the plungers charged ahead screaming and shrieking with exhilaration. Proceeds from the plunge benefit locals battling cancer. Photos by Colin Veitch

Pinewood Derby207 viewsRochester Cub Scouts Pack 30 held its annual Pinewood Derby on January 21 at RMS. Photos by Colin Veitch

MAC Open Mic Night207 viewsThe Marion Art Center on March 25 hosted an Open Mic Night, featuring 11 performers who brought their talent to about 50 in the audience. Photos by Felix PerezThe Marion Art Center on March 25 hosted an Open Mic Night, featuring 11 performers who brought their talent to about 50 in the audience. Photos by Felix Perez

Marion Natural History Museum207 viewsOn Wednesday, March 29, the Marion Natural History Museum's afterschool program explored some online mapping programs. We located schools, forested lands, hospitals, and airports, as well as many ocean features and historic shipwrecks. The students left the program with instructions on how they could develop their own maps at home, which the museum will be laminating for them. Photo courtesy Elizabeth Leidhold
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