The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Mattapoisett Halloween Parade 2007540 viewsSecond Place winner in the Adult category was Lois Ennis as a mummy. (Photo by Deborah Silva).
Mattapoisett Halloween Parade 2007540 viewsThird Place winner in the Grade 3 and 4 category was Kaley Sylvia as a peacock. (Photo by Deborah Silva).
Super Speeches540 viewsThe Mattapoisett Lions Club recently held its annual speech contest. The theme for this year was "How can my generation contribute to the world we will inherit?" Pictured here are (l. to r.) Colleen Sinnott, runner up, Steve Magyar, Lions Club President, and Alyssa Ray, this year's winner. First place is a $100 savings bond and second place is a $50 savings bond. The winner and possibly the runner up now advance to the zone competition held in early December.
Hall of Fame540 viewsOld Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School in Rochester recently began their first-ever Sports Hall of Fame and inducted five former student-athletes into the inaugural class. (Photo courtesy of Joyce Lombard).
Rowing on the River540 viewsAlex Buckley and Matt Buckley, both of Mattapoisett, took first place in the Parent-Child Division in the 2008 running of the Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race held on Monday, May 26, 2008. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
I Found the Aardvark!540 viewsMattapoisett residents turned out for FOX 25 Morning News' live broadcast from Shipyard Park on Friday, June 6, 2008 and took time to pose with The Wanderer's aardvark.
Planting Shellfish540 viewsStudents participating in the Marion Natural History Museum’s recent after-school planting shellfish program with Marion Shellfish Officer Isaac Perry plant seedlings to help repropogate the area’s natural resource. On Wednesday, October 1, the group took advantage of low tide to do some digging and help renew the town’s shellfish beds. They also examined clams and oysters and then buried them in the mud under Mr. Perry’s guidance. (Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Leidhold).
Relay for Life540 viewsThe American Cancer Society held their Annual Relay for Life of the Tri-Towns from 6:00p.m. on Friday, June 12 until noon on Saturday June 13 at Old Rochester Regional High School's track. Between 250 and 300 people participated in the eighteen hour walk raising nearly $50,000 to help fight and prevent cancer. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Maple Leaf Half Marathon 540 viewsL. to R. Joe Murray, President of Mattapoisett Lions Club and Amy (Rose) Herrmann, formerly of Mattapoisett, now of Manchester Center, VT at the Maple Leaf Half Marathon and 5K Race in Manchester, VT on September 10, 2011 where Joe completed the 5K while Amy did likewise in the fun 13.1 K Half Marathon. The Manchester, VT Lions Club. Inc. is a major sponsor of this annual event.
7 countries in 28 days540 views7 countries in 28 days: Castles, Cathedrals, Cobblestones, Beer, Wine, Chocolate, and Fries From Oct 9th to Nov 6th our Majestic European River Cruise was an incredible adventure exploring medieval villages on three rivers: the Danube, the Main and Main-Danube Canal and the Rhine. Enjoying the people and culinary delights of Prague, Brno and Cesky Krumlov in Czech Republic; Bratislava and Gurmansky Grob in Slovakia; Dunaalmas and Budapest in Hungary
Marion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006539 viewsMarion Halloween Parade - October 31, 2006
Glory Unfurled539 viewsMattapoisett's weeklong 150th Sesquicentennial Celebration was capped off with a closing ceremony featuring the glorious unfurling of three large versions of the Stars and Stripes, courtesy of the National Flag Truck exhibit, in the area of the Town Wharf and Shipyard Park on Sunday afternoon, August 12. (Photo by Tim Smith).
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