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Marion Town Party 2013208 viewsCaption Hundreds of Marion residents spent arguably the most beautiful day of the summer so far at the Town Party, a rousing success full of food, fun, and activities for all ages. Photo by Felix Perez.
Rochester Historical Society208 viewsThe Rochester Historical Society welcomed Tri-Town residents to its Open House at the East Rochester Church on Saturday afternoon, displaying local wedding fashions, music, and art from the early 1900s. Tea and refreshments were also offered. The exhibit will be open at the church on Sundays, 1:00-3:00 pm, through October 27. Photos by Felix Perez.
Healing Little Hearts 5K 208 viewsUpward of 300 runners competed in the inaugural Healing Little Hearts 5K on a beautiful Columbus Day morning. The organization helps fund research efforts into children’s heart defects. “From my family and from the families you’re helping, thank you,” said Kelly Weglowski, who, along with husband, Marc, and daughter Jillian founded Healing Little Hearts in the midst of their son and brother Brady’s own battle. Photos by Shawn Badgley.
Pilgrim Sands Trail Riders208 viewsDozens of skilled dirt bikers converged on the Pilgrim Sands Trail Riders’ race in Mattapoisett on Sunday morning. The course covered both grass track and woods. Photos by Felix Perez.
YMCA’s Annual Halloween Hayride208 viewsLions, tigers, bears, mummies, ninjas, pilots, princesses, football players, fairies, superheroes, and more all came together at the YMCA’s annual Halloween Hayride in Mattapoisett on Friday night. Photos by Felix Perez.
2013 Marion Halloween Parade208 viewsLead by the Sippican School Drum Line and the Witches of the Marion Art Center the annual parade once again filled the streets in Marion with hundreds of ghosts, ghouls, and M&Ms. Photos by Paul Lopes
The Singing Trooper208 viewsDan “The Singing Trooper” Clark and his wife, Mary, entertain attendees at Saturday’s Friends of Benjamin D. Cushing Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2425 benefit recognizing members and the Ladies Auxiliary in Marion. Photos by Felix Perez.
Veteran's Day 2013208 viewsThe Tri-Town honored veterans on Monday with moving programs. In Marion, the parade included Cub Scout Pack 32, Master of Ceremonies Joe Napoli, and the Sippican School Band. In Mattpoisett, Daniel Mazzuca gave a speech that focused on what our country can do for veterans in need of jobs, housing, and mental health services. The Old Hammondtown School band and chorus provided strong performances. Photos by Joan Hartnet-Barry & Shawn Badgley.
Rummage Sale208 viewsEvelyn Allerdt and Pauline Ryan enjoyed the jewelry table at Saturday’s rummage sale at the First Congregational Church of Marion’s Community Center. Photo by Joan Hartnet-Barry
Old Colony Trees208 viewsPhil Benjamin of Benjamin Forestry Services presented a Forest Management Plan at Old Colony to Rochester residents on Saturday. The removal of trees in the area has some abutters concerned, but the town and School Committee support the plan. Photo by Nick Walecka.
Marion Turkey Trot208 viewsIt was a cold start, race, and finish for the Marion Recreation Annual Turkey trot this Sunday but spirits were high. Matt Sylvain of Dartmouth took top honors for the men with a time of 18:33 and Allison Rossi for the Women with a time of 21:02. Photos by Felix Perez
'A Christmas Carol' at ORR208 viewsORR’s production of “A Christmas Carol,” starts on Thursday, December 5th, at 7:30 p.m. This year’s cast includes Ian MacLellan as Ebenezer Scrooge, Sam Resendes as Jacob Marley, Troy Rood as Bob Cratchet, Anne Roseman as the Ghost of Christmas Past, Patrick McGraw as the Ghost of Christmas Present, Lucy Milde as the Ghost of Christmas Future. Photos by Felix Perez
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