The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Edinburgh Castle548 viewsMattapoisett residents and Wandering Wanderers Dorothy and Cal Ross took a copy of their hometown paper to Edinburgh Castle on a recent trip to Scotland. Photo courtesy of the Ross family.
Pico Alto548 viewsSienna & Alex Wurl climbed to the top of Pico Alto on the island of Pico in the Azores. The mountain is the highest point in all of Portugal, measuring at 7,713 ft.
Omaha Beach 548 viewsTony and Diane Lopes took this photo wile at Omaha Beach in Normany, France.
ORRJH Thanksgiving548 views
The students of Old Rochester Regional Junior High on November 24 hosted their annual Thanksgiving banquet for the senior citizens of Tri-Town – a tradition made possible by the volunteer staff and students who spend hours decorating, cooking, serving, and cleaning up after so seniors can get a taste of the school community’s gratitude for their support. Photos by Jean Perry
November 28, 2019
Peppers and Penne547 viewsRochester's own Linda Medeiros serves up her "Sweet Sausage and Peppers Penne" entree to participants at the Rochester Senior Center during a recent cooking demonstration held on Monday, November 13. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
COA Memorial Tree Planting547 viewsRochester Council on Aging (COA) Director Sharon Lally remembers former COA Custodian Paul Ouellette and dedicates a memorial tree in his honor while Mr. Ouellette's family looks on. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Rochester Woodsman Show 2007547 viewsOne of the highlights of the annual Rochester Country Fair was the Woodsman Show and Competition held on Friday night, August 17. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Rochester Halloween Party547 viewsMadison Burnett won second place in the "First and Second Grade" category in Rochester's annual Halloween Party Costume Contest held on Monday, October 29, 2007. (Photo by Deborah Silva).
2008 Groundhog Cover Contest Winner547 views2008 Groundhog Cover Contest Winner
Evita at ORR547 viewsThe ORR Drama Club’s production of Evita was presented in the ORR High School Auditorium on March 27-30, 2008. (Photos by Robert Chiarito).
ORR 2008 Graduation547 viewsScenes from Old Rochester Regional High School's Commencement Exercises held on Saturday, June 7, 2008. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
ORR 2008 Graduation547 viewsScenes from Old Rochester Regional High School's Commencement Exercises held on Saturday, June 7, 2008. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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