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Tinkhamtown Chapel204 viewsThe annual Christmas carol sing-along at the Tinkhamtown Chapel was as popular and beautiful as ever on the chilly evening of December 20, when dozens of people followed the glow of candlelit windows to the tiny chapel to sing with their families and neighbors and welcome Christmas to Mattapoisett. Photos by Colin Veitch
Amnesty International204 viewsCharlotte Purrington and Deena Kinsky from the Mattapoisett Friends Meeting House participated in Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign on Sunday, January 18. Photos by Marliou Newell
RMS Basketball204 viewsIt was a pretty close game, 67-59, at Rochester Memorial School on January 23. It was the annual sixth grade vs. staff basketball game, and this year it was attended by a record crowd. $370 was raised for the Nurse Thayer Scholarship Fund. “It was a great event,” said RMS Principal Derek Medeiros. “It’s all about the engagement, and seeing all those people there was great.” Photos by Jean Perry
Chili Cook-off204 viewsThe MattMen of Mattapoisett Congregational Church came together Sunday night, January 25th ,to see who amongst them cooks up the best man-made chili. Tasting was free to all who came. Those who wished to vote contributed $5 to The Baby Project of New Bedford. $518 was raised for The Baby Project. Out of 15 chili cooks who prepared 16 pots of chili, Rory McFee received the most votes for his “Smoky Chili.”. Bob Field’s “Oyster Chili” came in second place. Photo by Felix Perez
Marion Firefighter’s Association204 viewsThe Marion Firefighter’s Association held its annual spaghetti supper fundraiser on Saturday, January 31 at the Marion VFW. The money raised goes towards purchasing gear, supplies, and equipment outside the regular Fire Department budget. Hungry guests came for the spaghetti and stayed for the fun. Photos by Colin Veitch
Sing-a-long Sound of Music204 viewsBruce Breamer, president of the Southcoast Children’s Chorus, greets the audience gathered at the Marion Music Hall January 30 for the sing-a-long Sound of Music event hosted by the children’s chorus. Guests were encouraged to dress up in costume, and even though there was a Maria and a few dressed in Scandinavian attire, chorus Founder Leslie Piper was surprised there wasn’t a single nun. Photo by Jean Perry
It’s Gotta be Jazz204 viewsOn February 5, it was all about the jazz at Rochester Memorial School’s annual fourth-grade musical. The performance titled ‘It’s Gotta be Jazz’ was postponed because of Winter Storm Juno, but was worth the wait. Photos by Felix Perez
Hairspray at Tabor Academy204 viewsHairspray, the musical, is coming to Tabor Academy’s Fireman Center for the Performing Arts in Hoyt Hall in Marion. Hannah Rolighed stars as lead role Tracey Turnblad who transforms her life through dance and determination, while also transforming her hometown of Baltimore by challenging segregation and racism. The production runs from February 19 to February 21. Photos by Colin Veitch
Bugworks204 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum provided an opportunity on February 27 to get up close and personal with critters from the insect world, including praying mantises and jumbo-sized grasshoppers. Above: Tapper Crete, 7, was the first one brave enough to ask to touch a praying mantis. The event was hosted by Maire Anne Diamond, owner and educator at ‘Bugworks.’ Photos by Felix Perez
Marion Natural History Museum204 viewsLast week the Marion Natural History Museum’s afterschool crew explored a variety of ways to identify trees without their leaves. By looking at bark, leaf scar arrangement and even using their sense of smell, the students had a chance to explore trees and woody shrubs without their usual foliage. Photo courtesy Elizabeth Leidhold
OHBBall 4238204 viewsIn a close game, the Old Hammondtown School students outplayed the Old H teachers 41-40 during the annual students vs. teachers basketball game Friday night. The game was held at the ORR gymnasium and bleachers were packed with families and supporters. Photos by Jean Perry
OHBBall 4142204 viewsIn a close game, the Old Hammondtown School students outplayed the Old H teachers 41-40 during the annual students vs. teachers basketball game Friday night. The game was held at the ORR gymnasium and bleachers were packed with families and supporters. Photos by Jean Perry
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