The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Opening Day587 viewsThe Rochester Youth Baseball League held their annual opening day ceremony and parade on Saturday, April 11. About 400 people, including players, coaches and their families, participated in the procession that made its way down Route 105 to Gifford Park’s Al Herbert Memorial Field for the opening day festivies. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
House of Horrors!586 viewsSpooky setpieces are strewn throughout the Haunted Yard display located at 57 Fort Street in Fairhaven (across from the Fairhaven Shipyard). This annual “Terror Tradition” is hosted by the father and son team of Richard and Matthew Brodeur to benefit local Shriner’s Hospitals. The yard is open to visitors — if you dare! — every Friday and Saturday night from dusk until 9:30 pm and on Sundays from dusk until 9:00 pm throughout the month of October, including Halloween night. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Chilly Christmas Dip586 viewsJust some of the 60 estimated participants who braved the chilly weather to take the plunge into the water off the Mattapoisett Town Beach for a Christmas day swim to benefit the local Helping Hands and Hooves organization on the morning of December 25. One of the horses from the local Seahorse Farms where the non-profit organization is based even got into the act. (Photo courtesy of Debbi Dyson).
Sippican Arts in Action586 viewsA weeklong fund-raising effort at Sippican School in Marion concluded with the Second Annual Arts in Action event on Saturday, April 28. Artists, musicians and creative people of all types were on hand to provide a sampling of their talents in an effort to raise money for the school's library. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
History Lessons586 viewsVolunteer members of the Rochester Historical Society presented a diverse program about the town's rich history to members of the Grade 3 classes at Memorial School on Monday, April 30. Among the various topics covered were the first Native American settlers, how early Rochester residents dressed and ate, and what type of games and pasttimes former residents enjoyed. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Relay for Life586 viewsThe American Cancer Society held their third annual Relay for Life of the Tri-Town at the Old Rochester Regional High School track on Friday, June 8 and Saturday, June 9 to raise funds in the fight against cancer. This year 21 teams of walkers raised more than $60,000 before the first step had been taken on Friday night — more than tripling the total amount of money raised in the first year of the walk-a-thon in 2005. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Fair586 viewsThe First Congregational Church of Marion held its 63rd annual "Traditional Church Fair" on Saturday, July 28 in the Marion village from Front Street to School Street which drew hundreds of attendees. Part block party, part carnival, and part rummage sale, the event was completely entertaining for everyone in attendance. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Fair586 viewsThe First Congregational Church of Marion held its 63rd annual "Traditional Church Fair" on Saturday, July 28 in the Marion village from Front Street to School Street which drew hundreds of attendees. Part block party, part carnival, and part rummage sale, the event was completely entertaining for everyone in attendance. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Marion Block Party 2007586 viewsMarion's Benjamin D. Cushing Post VFW 2425 gave the town one last chance to kick up its heels before sending the kids back to school as they threw an end-of-the-season Block Party in honor the town’s World War II and other veterans. Several hundred people attended the event held on Spring Street in front of Marion’s Town House on Saturday night, August 25. (Photo by Laurie Chiarito).
Cape Care Packages586 viewsMembers of the Lynch Family, whose son PFC Daniel Lynch is serving in Afghanistan, help ship out the 2000th care package as part of the Cape Cod Cares for the Troops effort which Mattapoisett Boy Scout Troop 53 has taken on as an ongoing project. The troop still maintains a collection location at Mailbox Services on Route 6 in Mattapoisett and encourages donations. (Photo courtesy of Ron Ellis).
Out of Africa586 viewsFrank and Betsey Beatriz of Mattapoisett pose with a copy of The Wanderer outside a South African ronderal, where they stayed in January of 2007 with Betsey’s parents, Lieutenant Commander Calvin F. Perkins (retired) and Donetta Perkins, also of Mattapoisett.
Wood, If I Could586 viewsThe ever-popular Woodsman Show remains a highlight of Rochester’s annual Country Fair and was held on Friday evening, August 22. Here a contestant displays his skills at the difficult and sometimes dangerous axe-throwing competition. Other events included log rolling, bow sawing, disc stacking, spring board chop, two-person cross cut, chainsaw cutting, and downward chop. Some of the woodmen came from as far away as Vermont to compete in this year’s program. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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