The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Seining the Shore227 viewsThe Buzzards Bay Coalition hosted a “Seining the Shore” activity with a couple dozen kids at Silvershell beach on Friday, July 22. The kids practiced tossing the seine net to capture small sea creatures and explore what was caught. Photos by Jean Perry
Rochester Road Race227 viewsThe Rochester Road Race returned on August 13 after a year off due to low sponsorship, but this year was a hit with over 160 runners participating. Photos by Colin Veitch
Turtle Care227 viewsSome of the residents of Jenney Lane at The Cove in Marion have found a new passion in rescuing diamond-backed terrapin eggs and safely releasing the hatchlings into the wild. A private neighborhood group, along with “Turtle Guy” Don Lewis and wife Sue Weiber Nourse, created a terrapin habitat restoration project knows as the turtle garden at The Cove. The project has seen success this year with an increase in new terrapin nests over last year. Photos by Jean Perry
BBC Watershed Ride227 viewsThis Sunday, October 2, the 10th Annual Buzzards Bay Coalition Watershed Ride wound its way through Tri-Town, making a stop at Eastover Farm for lunch along the way. Some 151 participants completed an 11-, 35-, 75-, or first-ever 100-mile ride, spanning Little Compton, Rhode Island to Woods Hole. Photos by Colin Veitch
Octopurrfest227 viewsThe Rochester cat shelter “It’s All About the Animals” held its 2nd Annual Octopurrfest on Sunday, October 2. Raising over $7,000, owner/operator Pam Robinson said this year’s event was “absolutely over the top!” The shelter is in the process of building an addition to create a cat room and a porch. “I cannot thank everyone enough for their wonderful donation and participation,” said Robinson. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Natural History Museum227 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum wishes to thank Marion Harbormaster Isaac Perry for another fun trip around Sippican Harbor. The students explored Meadow Island and enjoyed some of the local attractions of our harbor from the water. Each child also got to steer the boat back from the island and learn about the onboard electronic equipment that kept us safe from underwater hazards. Photo courtesy Elizabeth Leidhold
Plumb Corner Halloween227 viewsThe center of Rochester was all spooked out on Saturday, October 15, at the annual Halloween festival where kids donned costumes and enjoyed trips through the haunted house, as well as refreshments and a dance party. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Natural History Museum227 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum wishes to thank Jim Pierson for a wonderful program on collecting rocks and fossils. We learned about geology vs. paleontology equipment and how fossils are made. We also had a chance to make our own Megladon tooth to take home. The museum also wishes to thank Sarah Porter, and parent volunteers Wendy Copps and Marcia Waldron, for their help during the event. Also, many thanks to ORCTV for allowing us to borrow their equipment to record the event.
Veterans Day Ceremony in Mattapoiset227 viewsCol. Joseph McGraw was the guest speaker during the Veterans Day Ceremony at Old Hammondtown School. McGraw has a long and impressive military career. He graduated in 1994 from U.S. Military Academy and achieved successive ranks to become a full colonel in 2015. George Randall, member of the Florence Eastman Post of the American Legion, recited the preamble to the American Constitution and the Gettysburg Address before a standing-room only audience during the November 11 Veterans Day Ceremony in Mattapoiset
Senior Thanksgiving227 viewsTri-Town seniors enjoyed another savory Thanksgiving dinner at the Old Rochester Regional Junior High School on Sunday, November 17. The annual event is a tradition 26 years strong that allows school staff and eighth-graders the chance to express their gratitude for area seniors and their support for the schools. Photos by Jean Perry
Hammond Quarry227 viewsMattapoisett Land Trust President Mike Huguenin led a group of about 52 people on a walk about Hammond Quarry, a historical property off Mattapoisett Neck Road that the MLT is hoping to acquire next year. Pink granite was mined from the site between the early 1700s through the early 1900s, and the MLT plans to purchase the property to preserve the quarries and carve out trails for public access. Photos by Jean Perry
No-Shave November227 viewsCosmetology students at Old Colony gave five Rochester Police officers a shave and a haircut on November 30, marking the end of No-Shave November. The officers raised over $1,500 letting their facial hair grow out, a no-no for the rest of the year for the officers. The funds will benefit Home Base, a charity that serves soldiers returning from combat with PTSD. Photos by Jean Perry
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