The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Vocabulary Day Parade231 viewsThe third and fourth graders at RMS transformed the school into one collective living, breathing dictionary last Friday, February 16, for the annual Vocabulary Day parade. Students chose a word and personified it in costume for the rest of the school, and this year for parents as well. Photos by Jean Perry
Textile Conservation231 viewsKathryn Tarleton gave a presentation on the art and science of textile conservation on March 18 at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library. She also examined historic articles for several area residents. Photos by Marilou Newell
Tabor Walkout231 viewsTabor students organized a walk out on Friday, April 20, in solidarity with students across the country recognizing the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre. Students placed 18 empty chairs in the Stroud Academic Center Courtyard to symbolize the 17 lives lost in the Parkland shooting, plus one to symbolize the many others affected by these events. Students then led a silent walk around the turf field for 17 minutes, one minute for each of the 17 victims in Florida. Photos courtesy Tabor A
Marion Natural History Museum231 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum's afterschool group enjoyed learning the history of the Bird Island lighthouse and viewing the return of the birds to the island. We spotted roseate terns, common terns, oyster catchers, some unhappy Canadian geese, and a nesting mallard duck. We also learned about the recent restoration efforts made by the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to improve drainage and provide adequate nesting habitat for the returning birds. We wish to thank Isaac and Pete of the Marion Har
Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race231 viewsThe Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race wound its way along the Mattapoisett River for its 84th year. This year’s weather was a major improvement from last year’s soaking, but overall participation was down this year. Still, those who have been racing year after year made it another successful race, continuing an important Tri-Town tradition. Photos by Jean Perry
Homecoming Queens 231 viewsColleen Oakes, originally from Marion, and Renee Buteyne, from Rochester, finished the trip of a lifetime on Monday, July 16, having ridden across the United States on their bicycles. Leaving Portland, Oregon on May 2, the two childhood friends arrived at Buteyne’s parents’ driveway about a month earlier than anticipated, greeted by family, friends, confetti, cookies, and of course, hugs. Photos by Jean Perry
Silvershell Encampment231 viewsHistory was once again alive on Sunday, August 12, for the 2018 Silvershell Encampment in Marion. Participants setting up camp represented Fairhaven and its surrounding towns, as well as Wareham, Rehoboth, Yarmouth, and Rhode Island. Photos by Jean Perry
Rochester Country Fair231 viewsThe Rochester Country Fair is a first prize event! Even torrential rains couldn’t dampen the spirits at this amazing event. Photo by Felix Perez
Marion Natural History Museum231 viewsThe Marion Natural History Museum after school group enjoyed a woodland walk to collect various items from nature. The group collected pinecones, smelled sassafras trees, and had a great time collecting many colors of fallen leaves. Then it was back to the museum to construct plant presses and design colorful specimens. The group will bring their completed works back in a couple of weeks to laminate them. Many thanks to the parent volunteers and Tabor community service volunteers for all their help.
Haunted Lighthouse 231 viewsThe United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 63 of Marion/Onset hosted the first Haunted Lighthouse at the Ned’s Point lighthouse on Halloween. Photos courtesy Michele Couto
Marion Natural History Museum231 viewsOn November 28, the Marion Natural History Museum's afterschool group hosted Manny da Costa, a watershed scientist from Inter-fluve. Da Costa discussed some river restoration projects and taught about the importance of rivers for fish passage and water quality for our watershed. Student groups worked on problems involving hydrology, fish passage, riparian (rivers), and shellfish, and came up with some great ideas for protecting our watershed.
ORR Junior High School Holiday Concert231 viewsORR Junior High School hosted another holiday concert to a packed auditorium on December 19. The audience enjoyed seasonal selections performed by the Jazz Band, 7th-grade Band, 8th-grade Band, and the Chorus. Photos by E.O. Bednarczyk
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