The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Mother’s Day Tiara 5K Run232 viewsThe 6th Annual Mother’s Day Tiara 5K Run in Mattapoisett on Mother’s Day, May 13, 2012. Photo by Katy Fitzpatrick.
Senior Tea Party232 viewsThe Junior Girl Scout Troop #85112 hosted the 6th annual Senior Tea Party at Village Court in Mattapoisett on May 23rd. The seniors and Girl Scouts had a great time. After the girls visited with the guests, they sang a few songs and played a few songs on their instruments. Photo courtesy Heather Bichsel
Senior Tea Party232 viewsThe Junior Girl Scout Troop #85112 hosted the 6th annual Senior Tea Party at Village Court in Mattapoisett on May 23rd. The seniors and Girl Scouts had a great time. After the girls visited with the guests, they sang a few songs and played a few songs on their instruments. Photo courtesy Heather Bichsel
Marion Village 5K232 viewsAndy Sukeforth, a Middleboro resident and student at Bridgewater State University, was the first to cross the finish line with a time of 16:25. Photo by Katy Fitzpatrick.
Gatemen at the Library232 views
Mattapoisett Road Race232 viewsOn Wednesday, July 4, over 1,000 runners braved the rain to participate in the Annual Mattapoisett Road Race. All money raised from the 5-mile race will benefit graduating students from Old Rochester Regional High School. Photo by Felix Perez.
Antique Car Show232 viewsOn Saturday, July 21, the Marion Recreation Department held their second annual Antique Car Show on the lawn at Silvershell Beach. There were nearly 20 entries in the show and trophies were awarded to the cars that received the most votes. All proceeds raised will benefit Marion Recreation programs. Photos by Katy Fitzpatrick.
Harbor Days 2012232 viewsFrom Friday, July 20 to Sunday, July 22, the Mattapoisett Lions Club hosted the 26th Annual Harbor Days celebration in Mattapoisett. Thousands of patrons flocked to the Mattapoisett waterfront to check out the food, live entertainment and vendors. Photos by Felix Perez.
Marion Block Party232 viewsThe Marion Block Party, which was held on Saturday, August 25, 2012, featured a variety of live musical acts by local artists. (from left) Sarah Martin and Scott Bissonnette, who played music from blues to folk to classic rock. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Marion Block Party232 viewsThe "original" Marion Block Party was known as Marigold Day, the first being held in 1887. Just like the Block Party of today, the proceeds of the event went for community needs of various types. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Brad Barrows Memorial Bike Run232 viewsThe Brad Barrows Memorial Bike Run was held on Saturday, September 15th
Phoenix Crew Club232 viewsPhoenix Crew Club captains Andrew Pereira of New Bedford and Rachel Schwartz of Dartmouth. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
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