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Nature Explorers223 viewsMattRec and the Marion Natural History Museum partnered for the second year to provide "Nature Explorers" summer program. The students explored several different locations around Mattapoisett this year. We visited Land Trust property off Mattapoisett Neck Road and Bob Field gave us a tour of his Oyster farming operation. We visited salt marshes, went crabbing, netted many fish at Reservation beach, Aucoot Beach, and Ned's Point. Photo courtesy Elizabeth Leidhold
Mattapoisett Firefighter’s Association223 viewsThe Mattapoisett Firefighter’s Association hosted a chowder competition on September 13 on the Mattapoisett Knights of Columbus grounds. Between 300 and 400 guests came to sample the chowder of 16 different teams, split into two categories: public safety and professional. The Rochester Firefighter’s Association took first place in the public safety category and also won the People’s Choice Award. Photos by Denzil Ernstzen
Mass Mini Tractor Pullers 223 viewsThe Rochester Country Fairgrounds hosted a tractor pull of the Mass Mini Tractor Pullers Association on October 10. The tractors are hand-built by their owners, using naturally-aspirated auto engines that are 500-1,000 horsepower. There will be another all-day tractor pull event on October 24 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Photos by Colin Veitch
Mattapoisett Historical Commission223 viewsThe Mattapoisett Historical Commission has sponsored the installation of memorial bricks at Town Hall, commemorating the service and dedication of the town’s selectmen over the decades. Jo Pannell, chairman of the Historical Commission, oversaw the design work and installation with the help of landscape architect Charles Duponte, who donated his time to the project. Photo by Marilou Newell
Doll Spa223 viewsThe Mattapoisett Library treated area kids and their dolls to a spa day on Friday, January 15. With a day off from school, girls had their hair styled by Holly Coutinho, had their nails done by Junior Friend Alice DeCicco-Carey, 11, and decorated hair clips with Junior Friend Nicole Londergan. Photos by Jean Perry
Doll Spa223 viewsThe Mattapoisett Library treated area kids and their dolls to a spa day on Friday, January 15. With a day off from school, girls had their hair styled by Holly Coutinho, had their nails done by Junior Friend Alice DeCicco-Carey, 11, and decorated hair clips with Junior Friend Nicole Londergan. Photos by Jean Perry
Take Your Child to the Library Day223 viewsThe Plumb Library in Rochester participated in the national “Take Your Child to the Library Day” on Saturday, February 6. Encore Entertainment, Mr. Vinnie from The Toe Jam Puppet Band, and “Professor Trelawney” greeted kids and their families during the event that Children’s Librarian Lisa Fuller said was all about raising “library awareness.” Photos by Colin Veitch
SouthCoast Working Dog Club223 viewsThe SouthCoast Working Dog Club held a three-day Schutzhund trial at the Rochester Country Fairgrounds on May 27-29. The event is a competition in training, tracking, obedience, and protection for working breeds of dogs. Training Director Mario Gomes’ German shepherd, “Caribou,” is headed to the World Championship in Slovenia to represent the USA. Photos by Jean Perry and Denzil Ernstzen
Memorial Day Boat Race223 viewsRain didn’t stop the Rochester Memorial Day Boat Race from taking place on Monday, May 30. It may have soaked the boats, but it didn’t soak the spirits of the participants. See the results at Photos by Colin Veitch
Tri-County Symphonic Band223 viewsThe Tri-County Symphonic Band, under the direction of Philip Sanborn, hosted its 14th Annual Benefit Pops Concert beneath a breezy tent on the grounds of Tabor Academy on Sunday, June 12. This year’s concert had the appropriate theme “Celebration of the Sea,” and event-goers delighted in ocean-themed songs (and cupcakes) with Sippican Harbor as the backdrop. Photos by Jean Perry
7th Annual Massachusetts Walking Tour223 viewsThe 7th annual Massachusetts Walking Tour walked into Mattapoisett village on June 23. Joined by local musicians, the concert on the grounds of the Mattapoisett Congregational church was enjoyed by young and old alike. Photos by Marilou Newell
Seining the Shore223 viewsThe Buzzards Bay Coalition hosted a “Seining the Shore” activity with a couple dozen kids at Silvershell beach on Friday, July 22. The kids practiced tossing the seine net to capture small sea creatures and explore what was caught. Photos by Jean Perry
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