The Wanderer Photo Gallery

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Dr. Suess' Birthday Party237 viewsJessica Patenaude 4 Fairhaven. (Photo by Felix Perez)
Chanty 7997237 viewsThe Mattapoisett Museum and Carriage House hosted The New Bedford Sea Chantey Chorus on Sunday afternoon, April 29. The matinee concert featuring a variety of ballads, folk songs and work songs - or chanteys - was played before a full house as patrons filled the old church house to the rafters. Photo by Robert Chiarito
Marion Clean Up237 viewsMarion residents gathered together at Music Hall on Saturday, May 12, 2012, for the annual town-wide trash pick-up. Volunteers spread out over town picking up garbage and recyclable materials from the road side. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Mattapoisett Road Race237 viewsOn Wednesday, July 4, over 1,000 runners braved the rain to participate in the Annual Mattapoisett Road Race. All money raised from the 5-mile race will benefit graduating students from Old Rochester Regional High School. Photo by Felix Perez.
Buzzards Bay Swim237 viewsOn Saturday, July 7, over 200 swimmers plunged into Buzzards Bay for the 9th Annual Buzzards Bay Swim. The Buzzards Bay Coalition runs the event each year, trying to raise money for their restoration efforts for the Buzzzards Bay Watershed. Photo by Felix Perez.
Antique Car Show237 viewsOn Saturday, July 21, the Marion Recreation Department held their second annual Antique Car Show on the lawn at Silvershell Beach. There were nearly 20 entries in the show and trophies were awarded to the cars that received the most votes. All proceeds raised will benefit Marion Recreation programs. Photos by Katy Fitzpatrick.
Church Fair237 viewsSecenes from the Marion Congregational Fair’s Summer Fair on July 28. Photos by Joan Hartnett-Barry.
Habitat Cruise237 viewsThe Buzzards Bay Area Habitat For Humanity held their annual harbor cruise on Saturday, July 28, 2012. The money raised goes to help fund the construction of affordable housing for families in need. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Heritage Days Bonfire237 viewsThe Mattapoisett Fire Department lit a bonfire on Saturday, August 4 at Barstow Wharf. The fire was part of a weekend-long celebration of Heritage Days, where the history of Mattapoisett was observed and honored. Photo by Felix Perez.
Taber Library Book Sale237 viewsThe Elizabeth Taber Library annual used book sale offers a wide variety of genres, from health to children's books to non-fiction. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Marion Block Party237 viewsA classic car show was part of the festivities at the Marion Block Party on Saturday, August 25, 2012. About a dozen cars from the 1920s-1970s were on display across from the Town Hall. Some owners offered rides around town in their vintage vehicles. Photo by Eric Tripoli.
Brad Barrows Bike Run237 viewsOn Saturday, September 15, dozens of motorcycle riders gathered at Rick’s Tavern in Mattapoisett to participate in the 3rd Annual Brad Barrows Bike Run from Mattapoisett to Bridgewater. All money raised will be donated to youth sports in the Tri-Town and in Fairhaven. Photo by Felix Perez.
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