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Mass Mini Tractor Pullers 242 viewsThe Rochester Country Fairgrounds hosted a tractor pull of the Mass Mini Tractor Pullers Association on October 10. The tractors are hand-built by their owners, using naturally-aspirated auto engines that are 500-1,000 horsepower. There will be another all-day tractor pull event on October 24 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Photos by Colin Veitch
Mass Mini Tractor Pullers 242 viewsThe Rochester Country Fairgrounds hosted a tractor pull of the Mass Mini Tractor Pullers Association on October 10. The tractors are hand-built by their owners, using naturally-aspirated auto engines that are 500-1,000 horsepower. There will be another all-day tractor pull event on October 24 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Photos by Colin Veitch
Doll Spa242 viewsThe Mattapoisett Library treated area kids and their dolls to a spa day on Friday, January 15. With a day off from school, girls had their hair styled by Holly Coutinho, had their nails done by Junior Friend Alice DeCicco-Carey, 11, and decorated hair clips with Junior Friend Nicole Londergan. Photos by Jean Perry
Buzzards Bay Musicfest242 viewsThis week was the Buzzards Bay Musicfest in Marion, held at the Fireman Center for the Performing Arts at Tabor Academy. The free event brings together musicians from all across the globe for the five-day concert series. During Friday night’s chamber music performance, harp principal Rita Costanzi, the former Principal Harp of the Vancouver Symphony and CBC Radio Orchestra, received a standing ovation for her extraordinary performance. Photo by Jean Perry
Marion Town Party 242 viewsThe town collected hundreds of wood pallets and stacked them sky high in the ball field beside the Town House in anticipation of the annual Marion Town Party on Saturday, August 27. The theme of this year’s party, “Out of This World,” was appropriately represented in the playful banner hung on the stack of firewood and eventually burned along with it in an enormous bonfire. Photo by Jean Perry
Turtle Care242 viewsSome of the residents of Jenney Lane at The Cove in Marion have found a new passion in rescuing diamond-backed terrapin eggs and safely releasing the hatchlings into the wild. A private neighborhood group, along with “Turtle Guy” Don Lewis and wife Sue Weiber Nourse, created a terrapin habitat restoration project knows as the turtle garden at The Cove. The project has seen success this year with an increase in new terrapin nests over last year. Photos by Jean Perry
BBC Watershed Ride242 viewsThis Sunday, October 2, the 10th Annual Buzzards Bay Coalition Watershed Ride wound its way through Tri-Town, making a stop at Eastover Farm for lunch along the way. Some 151 participants completed an 11-, 35-, 75-, or first-ever 100-mile ride, spanning Little Compton, Rhode Island to Woods Hole. Photos by Colin Veitch
Octopurrfest242 viewsThe Rochester cat shelter “It’s All About the Animals” held its 2nd Annual Octopurrfest on Sunday, October 2. Raising over $7,000, owner/operator Pam Robinson said this year’s event was “absolutely over the top!” The shelter is in the process of building an addition to create a cat room and a porch. “I cannot thank everyone enough for their wonderful donation and participation,” said Robinson. Photos by Colin Veitch
Octopurrfest242 viewsThe Rochester cat shelter “It’s All About the Animals” held its 2nd Annual Octopurrfest on Sunday, October 2. Raising over $7,000, owner/operator Pam Robinson said this year’s event was “absolutely over the top!” The shelter is in the process of building an addition to create a cat room and a porch. “I cannot thank everyone enough for their wonderful donation and participation,” said Robinson. Photos by Colin Veitch
Mushroom Walk242 viewsWesley Price, a mycologist, led a walk in the Sippican Lands Trust property White Eagle on October 23. During the tour, Price enlightened the group on the importance of mushrooms in the natural environment including the fact that mushrooms are the largest living organism on the surface of the planet. Photo by Marilou Newell
Family Fun Festival 242 viewsThe Mattapoisett Lions Club held its first Family Fun Festival at Shipyard Park on Saturday, October 29, featuring some good old-fashioned fun and games. Over 400 people turned out for the event, which included hayrides through the village, a pumpkin patch, and games such as pin the nose on the pumpkin and the corn hole toss. Photos by Jean Perry
Oliver242 viewsTickets for the Marion Art Center’s latest production “Oliver” have sold out! If you didn’t reserve your tickets, then you are out of luck! Opening Night is Thursday, November 3 and the show runs daily until Sunday, November 6. The MAC hosted a ‘meet and greet’ on Tuesday, inviting us ahead of time to get a sneak peek of the performance that is shaping up to be the MAC’s most successful thus far. Photos by Colin Veitch
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