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Most viewed - Marion
Special Olympics Fitness Day176 viewsTabor Academy hosted a Special Olympics Fitness Day on Saturday, April 23, attracting dozens of participants of all ages and abilities despite the on and off rain showers. In addition to an array of games and activities, there was also a fitness walk through the village. Photos by Colin Veitch
Special Olympics Fitness Day176 viewsTabor Academy hosted a Special Olympics Fitness Day on Saturday, April 23, attracting dozens of participants of all ages and abilities despite the on and off rain showers. In addition to an array of games and activities, there was also a fitness walk through the village. Photos by Colin Veitch
Kids Equipment Fun Day176 viewsSaturday, May 7, was the date for the annual Kids Equipment Fun Day at Washburn Park in Marion, sponsored by Marion Recreation. The kids climbed aboard ambulances, fire trucks, police cruisers, and even the harbormaster’s boat. This year, Recreation Director and Selectman Jody Dickerson served up free hotdogs during the popular event that seemed to draw a bigger crowd this year than the previous years. Photos by Ethan Akins
Kids Equipment Fun Day176 viewsSaturday, May 7, was the date for the annual Kids Equipment Fun Day at Washburn Park in Marion, sponsored by Marion Recreation. The kids climbed aboard ambulances, fire trucks, police cruisers, and even the harbormaster’s boat. This year, Recreation Director and Selectman Jody Dickerson served up free hotdogs during the popular event that seemed to draw a bigger crowd this year than the previous years. Photos by Ethan Akins
Marion Horse Show176 viewsThe Fourth of July is also the day for another Marion tradition, the Marion Horse Show at Washburn Park. Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Fourth of July Parade176 viewsIf you made it to this year’s Marion Fourth of July parade, then you got to see the spectacular floats and parade displays all vying for that top prize, “Best in Parade.” Shown here is the float entry for Silveira Farms in Rochester. Photo by Colin Veitch
Marion Fourth of July Parade176 viewsIf you made it to this year’s Marion Fourth of July parade, then you got to see the spectacular floats and parade displays all vying for that top prize, “Best in Parade.” Shown here is the float entry for Silveira Farms in Rochester. Photo by Colin Veitch
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike176 viewsThe production of “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike” will run August 11-13 and 18-20 at 7:30 pm at the Marion Art Center theater, starring Barbie Burr, Cynthia Latham, David Horne, Adam Roderick, Sam Roderick, Susan Sullivan and Suzie Kokkins. Tickets are $18 for the public, $15 for members. For reservations, call the MAC at 508-748-1266 or email Photos by Colin Veitch
Marion Art Center Halloween Parade 176 viewsIt looked as though nearly a thousand people came out for the Marion Art Center Halloween Parade on Monday, October 31. The event gets bigger and better every year, it seems, judging by the number of people and the degree of creativity when it comes to the costumes. Photos by Jean Perry
Marion Veterans Day Observance176 viewsDuring the Marion Veterans Day observance on Friday morning, the townspeople of Marion expressed a heartfelt thank you to the Benjamin D. Cushing VFW Post 2425, which in return gave a moving farewell as it disbanded this year and donated the VFW building to the town. Emotions were evident on the faces of the VFW Post 2425 members, as well as selectmen and those in attendance. Photos by Jean Perry
A Patriotic Promise 176 viewsBonnie and Paul Tavares keep the tradition alive of displaying this massive flag every year as past owners of the Pleasant Street home have done before. Photo by Jonathan Comey
No Rain On This Parade 176 viewsThe Marion 4th of July parade on Tuesday went on as planned, winding through the village streets and receiving the usual fanfare. Photos by Jean Perry
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