Most viewed - Mattapoisett

Fall Family Fun Festival38 viewsThe Lion’s Club of Mattapoisett held its Fall Family Fun Festival on Saturday at Shipyard Park, where children bowled with pumpkins and enjoyed hayrides through the village. Photos by Mick Colageo

Mattapoisett Woman’s Club38 viewsSandra Hering is decked out in Santa attire as she invites traffic to turn into Saturday morning’s sale of wreaths and other assorted Christmas decorations at the Fire Station on the corner of Route 6 and Barstow in Mattapoisett. The annual event, put on by the Mattapoisett Woman’s Club, raises money to fund a college scholarship. Photos by Mick Colageo

Mattapoisett’s Memorial Day38 viewsMattapoisett’s Memorial Day Observances were highlighted by community-wide participation that included hosts Florence Eastman American Legion Post 280, the Police and Fire departments, Scouts performing color-guard duties, the Old Hammondtown Elementary School Band, Showstoppers, students Hadley Perron and Geneva Gerrior and others. Photos by Marilou Newell

Mattapoisett Wharf38 viewsPhoto by Jen Shepley

Mattapoisett Landing38 viewsLynn Nonya shared this photo of the sunset taken on July 25 at the Mattapoisett Landing.

Scenes from Mattapoisett38 viewsPhoto by Jen Shepley

Mattapoisett Land Trust37 viewsOn May 6, volunteers from the Mattapoisett Land Trust planted over two dozen sunflower seedlings in a row along Route 6 at Dunseith Park, just in front of Salty the Seahorse. Don Cuddy donated the seedlings and organized the planting as a symbolic gesture of MLT standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. This summer, it is anticipated that the plants will grow to noticeable heights. Photos courtesy of Mattapoisett Land Trust

Cooper Newton 37 viewsCooper Newton received an emotional welcome home from his parents Peter and Marley Newton, his girlfriend Autumn Horsey and a host of extended family and friends. The Mattapoisett native sailed his 27-foot boat Why Worry on a solo journey that took him as far as Turks and Caicos south of the Bahamas. His adventures included a surprise passenger in a raccoon that found his boat during a coastal storm. Photos by Mick Colageo and Cooper Newton

Mattapoisett Land Trust37 viewsMattapoisett Land Trust president Mike Huguenin indicates the riverfront property below Route 6 that the Land Trust plans to add to its holdings and preserve for future generations. Photos courtesy of MLT

Mattapoisett Memorial Day37 viewsAmerican Legion Florence Eastman Post 280 hosted the annual Mattapoisett Memorial Day observances with a moving ceremony held at Center School. Pictured are members of the legion with Veteran's Agent Chris Gerrior, who is also seen saluting after placing flowers at Memorial Park. The Mattapoisett Police color guard took part in the procession. American Legion member George Randall recited the Gettysburg Address, Old Rochester Regional Junior High student Sasha Volkema read the governor's proclamation and re

Center School Clock37 viewsBehind the clock that faces all four directions at Center School are three levels of mechanics that make the hands move, the bell ring and the machine operate. The clock serves as an in-house museum for schoolchildren to learn about how things worked before the digital age. Photos by Mick Colageo

Blessing of the Animals37 viewsOn July 9, the Mattapoisett Congressional Church held a Blessing of the Animals event. Local doggie celebrity Breton stopped by to receive good wishes from Rev. Dr. Richard Wolf. Breton is a well-known assistant at the Mattapoisett Library’s children’s department and lives with Lenore Everett. Photo by Marilou Newell
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