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ORR Class of ’2324 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High School Class of ’23 enjoyed a field day at Ned’s Point Lighthouse on September 30. The seniors engaged in fun and field games, and took many photos with friends and in smaller groups of teams, clubs and organizations. Photos by Ryan Feeney
ORR Spirit Week24 viewsThe culmination of Old Rochester Regional High School’s Spirit Week was a pep rally held after October 7 classes in the gymnasium. ORR sophomores performed a Wizard of Oz skit, and the ORR Bulldog joined Dorothy and company. The seniors displayed a "Back in Time/Back to the Future" theme, featuring a cleverly constructed “Delorean,” a colorful aerobics class, lots of action and energetic music with Marty McFly and Doc Brown characters joined by the heroic Bulldog.
Old Rochester Regional F.O.R.M. Concert24 viewsOld Rochester Regional F.O.R.M. Concert. Photos courtesy of ORR School District
STEAMapalooza24 viewsSTEAMapalooza, a combined event involving science projects, art displays and musical performances all at the same time on May 11 at Rochester Memorial School. Photos by Mick Colageo
STEAMapalooza24 viewsSTEAMapalooza, a combined event involving science projects, art displays and musical performances all at the same time on May 11 at Rochester Memorial School. Photos by Mick Colageo
Island Classroom24 viewsThe “Island Classroom” trip was held on June 1 in concert with the Mattapoisett Land Trust and the Mattapoisett Cultural Council, which sponsored 61 Old Hammondtown sixth-graders for a scientific day of workshops and activities with the STEAM Academy and island classroom. Photos courtesy of Ellen P. Flynn, MLT
30th Annual Tri-Town Thanksgiving Banquet for Seniors24 viewsOver 170 seniors from the Tri-Towns enjoyed a full turkey dinner served by over 60 Grade 7-8 student volunteers at the 30th Annual Tri-Town Thanksgiving Banquet for Seniors held on Nov. 19 at the Old Rochester Regional Junior High School. Over 50 door prizes included holiday gift sets, small home items, gift cards and over 60 meals were sent as to-go meals to Tri-Town and Wareham Council on Aging locations for seniors unable to attend the banquet in person. The event was made possible by donations from the
Trivia Night 24 viewsFrom left, Old Rochester Regional High School seniors Kamryn Rodrigues, Elizabeth Harrington, Cole Goldie and Sara Costa were among approximately 75 students who attended ORR’s National Honor Society's Trivia Night on December 7. Photos courtesy ORR District
Friends of Old Rochester Music24 viewsThe Friends of Old Rochester Music (F.O.R.M.) recently held their Scholarship concerts in the ORR High School gymnasium, featuring all five ORR districts. Choirs performed on March 5 and bands on March 12. The Sippican Chorus featured soloists Olivia Crillo and Gigi Arone. Choral music teachers Sarah Leahy (Old-Hammondtown) and Susan Audette (Rochester Memorial School) directed their respective choruses. Photos courtesy ORR District
Alice in Wonderland23 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High School theater group’s production of “Alice in Wonderland” opens on Thursday, November 17, at 7:00 pm. Alice is played by Cattarinha Nunes, while the King is played by Jackson Veugen and the Queen of Hearts by Kathleen Dunn. Photos by Ryan Feeney
Class of 2025 students and Old Rochester Regional High School Faculty23 viewsMarch 23 basketball game between Class of 2025 students and Old Rochester Regional High School faculty. Carly Mello and Jacob Smith helped power the students' squad, while School Resource Officer Junior Cardoso and teacher Scott Tavares helped out the ORR Faculty. Photos by Ryan Feeney
STEAMapalooza23 viewsSTEAMapalooza, a combined event involving science projects, art displays and musical performances all at the same time on May 11 at Rochester Memorial School. Photos by Mick Colageo
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