
Old Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School30 viewsOld Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School held its graduation exercises on Friday night. Photos by Jared Melanson

Old Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School30 viewsOld Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School held its graduation exercises on Friday night. Photos by Jared Melanson

Sippican Elementary School29 viewsSippican Elementary School held its Open House on Monday night, where faculty and staff were on hand to greet both new students and those returning with their families. Principal Marla Sirois is with parent Anna Ward and Grade 6 student Ollie Ward. Volunteers at Sippican Elementary (VASE) members present included president Johanna Vergoni, vice president Barbara Moody and Kerry Milhench of the Sixth Grade parent group.

ORR Class of ’2329 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High School Class of ’23 enjoyed a field day at Ned’s Point Lighthouse on September 30. The seniors engaged in fun and field games, and took many photos with friends and in smaller groups of teams, clubs and organizations. Photos by Ryan Feeney

ORR Spirit Week29 viewsThe culmination of Old Rochester Regional High School’s Spirit Week was a pep rally held after October 7 classes in the gymnasium. ORR sophomores performed a Wizard of Oz skit, and the ORR Bulldog joined Dorothy and company. The seniors displayed a "Back in Time/Back to the Future" theme, featuring a cleverly constructed “Delorean,” a colorful aerobics class, lots of action and energetic music with Marty McFly and Doc Brown characters joined by the heroic Bulldog.

Alice in Wonderland29 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High School theater group’s production of “Alice in Wonderland” opens on Thursday, November 17, at 7:00 pm. Alice is played by Cattarinha Nunes, while the King is played by Jackson Veugen and the Queen of Hearts by Kathleen Dunn. Photos by Ryan Feeney

Alice in Wonderland29 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High School theater group’s production of “Alice in Wonderland” opens on Thursday, November 17, at 7:00 pm. Alice is played by Cattarinha Nunes, while the King is played by Jackson Veugen and the Queen of Hearts by Kathleen Dunn. Photos by Ryan Feeney

Día de los Muertos29 viewsOld Rochester Regional High School World Language teacher Señora Diana Carreira and Art teacher Ms. Kathryn Butler collaborated with Librarian Ms. Allison Barker to host a presentation of student artwork created in celebration of the Day of the Dead (or Día de los Muertos in Spanish) in the high school’s Library Commons. Photos courtesy of Erin Bednarczyk

Travis Roy Student Center29 viewsTabor Academy hosted an Open House on Tuesday morning at the new Travis Roy Student Center, which replaces the former library on the same spot. While the late Travis Roy is most widely known as a student-athlete whose college-hockey career lasted all of 11 seconds, his passion for student life, ceramics, sailing and the big part the Marion campus played in his life is reflected in the building of the new student center bearing his name. Photo by Ryan Feeney

Old Rochester Regional F.O.R.M. Concert29 viewsOld Rochester Regional F.O.R.M. Concert. Photos courtesy of ORR School District

Center School Art29 viewsChildren of all ages with their parents, guardians and grandparents filled Center School on March 23 to view artwork by Mattapoisett students ranging from Project GROW (preschool) to Grade 6. Greta Anderson is the Art teacher for both Mattapoisett schools and worked with a group of Mattapoisett PTA volunteers to mount and hang over 450 art pieces. "It's great to see so many families here!" she said. Principal Linda Ashley greeted visitors, walking some to their students' work.

Center School Art29 viewsChildren of all ages with their parents, guardians and grandparents filled Center School on March 23 to view artwork by Mattapoisett students ranging from Project GROW (preschool) to Grade 6. Greta Anderson is the Art teacher for both Mattapoisett schools and worked with a group of Mattapoisett PTA volunteers to mount and hang over 450 art pieces. "It's great to see so many families here!" she said. Principal Linda Ashley greeted visitors, walking some to their students' work.
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