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Bill Tilden32 viewsBill Tilden was recently honored at Old Rochester Regional High School for his 15 years as director of Athletics. Tilden is transitioning this summer from the A.D. job to groundskeeper and will reclaim a larger role as head coach of the high school cross-country and track-and-field programs. Photos courtesy of ORR School District
Sippican Festival Band32 viewsThe Sippican Festival Band performed at the AHA! Night community arts and entertainment event held on December 14 in New Bedford. The band is comprised of 70 fifth- and sixth-grade students, led by Instrumental Music Teacher Hannah Moore. Photos courtesy ORR District
Rochester Memorial School32 viewsOver 40 Rochester Memorial School fifth- and sixth-grade chorus students sang the national anthem before the January 14 Providence Bruins game. Among those having a good time at the good ol’ hockey game are sixth-grader Hayden Silva, the Realini family, Grade 5 teacher Mike Forns and Music and Chorus teacher Susan Audette. Photos courtesy ORR District
Old Rochester Regional Junior High School32 viewsSix Old Rochester Regional Junior High School students participated in the Southeastern Massachusetts Music Educators Association Junior District Festival (SEMMEA) held March 9-10. From left, Rebecca Schaefer, Brianna Cabral and Mara Donnelly enjoyed their experience at the festival, as did Isabella Perez-Dormitzer, left, and Erin Root. Sophie Zhou plays in the horn section. Photos courtesy ORR District
Sippican Elementary School 31 viewsSaturday's car wash held at Sippican Elementary School to raise money for Grade 6 extracurricular activities. Photos by Mick Colageo
ORR Spirit Week31 viewsThe culmination of Old Rochester Regional High School’s Spirit Week was a pep rally held after October 7 classes in the gymnasium. ORR sophomores performed a Wizard of Oz skit, and the ORR Bulldog joined Dorothy and company. The seniors displayed a "Back in Time/Back to the Future" theme, featuring a cleverly constructed “Delorean,” a colorful aerobics class, lots of action and energetic music with Marty McFly and Doc Brown characters joined by the heroic Bulldog.
Alice in Wonderland31 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High School theater group’s production of “Alice in Wonderland” opens on Thursday, November 17, at 7:00 pm. Alice is played by Cattarinha Nunes, while the King is played by Jackson Veugen and the Queen of Hearts by Kathleen Dunn. Photos by Ryan Feeney
Sippican Arts31 viewsBoston artist Bren Bataclan and Sippican Elementary School art teacher Katie Pike show off Bataclan's artwork during the Marion school’s Arts in Action event. Featured work was created by students in Grades K-6 as part of their ongoing Global Art Adventure curriculum. Photos courtesy of Old Rochester Regional School District and MA Superintendency Union #55
Friends of Old Rochester Music31 viewsThe Friends of Old Rochester Music (F.O.R.M.) recently held their Scholarship concerts in the ORR High School gymnasium, featuring all five ORR districts. Choirs performed on March 5 and bands on March 12. The Sippican Chorus featured soloists Olivia Crillo and Gigi Arone. Choral music teachers Sarah Leahy (Old-Hammondtown) and Susan Audette (Rochester Memorial School) directed their respective choruses. Photos courtesy ORR District
Little Shop of Horrors31 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High School Drama Club performed “Little Shop of Horrors” on March 21-24. Photos courtesy Michelle Cusolito
Tabor Academy31 viewsOlympic gold medalist Colleen Coyne of the Class of 1989 gave the Commencement Address, as Tabor Academy held its graduation exercises on May 31 under a large, white tent open to the sea air coming off Sippican Harbor. Coyne, a member of the 1998 Team USA ice hockey team, spoke of her experience learning to balance personal success against society’s measure of success. Photos by Mick Colageo
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