
ORR Class of 2017168 viewsOn Saturday, June 3, seniors at Old Rochester Regional High School received their diplomas and tossed their caps to the sky with joy as the rain held off long enough for the commencement ceremony. Photos by Felix Perez

ORR Class of 2017168 viewsOn Saturday, June 3, seniors at Old Rochester Regional High School received their diplomas and tossed their caps to the sky with joy as the rain held off long enough for the commencement ceremony. Photos by Felix Perez

ORR Class of 2017168 viewsOn Saturday, June 3, seniors at Old Rochester Regional High School received their diplomas and tossed their caps to the sky with joy as the rain held off long enough for the commencement ceremony. Photos by Felix Perez

Center School Vocabulary Day168 viewsCenter School held its very own first annual Vocabulary Day Parade on Thursday, June 8. Students dressed up as their chosen word to personify its meaning and strutted around for all to read. Photos by Colin Veitch

Tabor Academy168 viewsOlympic gold medalist Colleen Coyne of the Class of 1989 gave the Commencement Address, as Tabor Academy held its graduation exercises on May 31 under a large, white tent open to the sea air coming off Sippican Harbor. Coyne, a member of the 1998 Team USA ice hockey team, spoke of her experience learning to balance personal success against society’s measure of success. Photos by Mick Colageo

Sergeant Kasey Koch167 viewsThe Center School students in Jennifer Aarsheim’s first grade class spent the afternoon on November 24 making thank you cards addressed to Sergeant Kasey Koch serving in Afghanistan, who is connected to some local troops who also served in Afghanistan. The students put together care packages as a way to say thank you to our troops this Thanksgiving. Photos by Jean Perry

Human Geometry167 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit

Human Geometry167 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit

Human Geometry167 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit

ORRJH Thanksgiving Banquet 167 viewsORR Junior High School eighth-graders hosted the annual Thanksgiving Banquet for Tri-Town Seniors on Sunday, November 22. About 90 student volunteers helped pass out turkey dinners and raffle prizes, and cafeteria staff also volunteered their time to provide a delicious meal of thanks to area senior citizens. Photos by Colin Veitch

Thoroughly Modern Millie167 viewsTabor Academy is set to debut its annual musical production, this year starring Aurelia Reynolds in “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” directed by John Heavey. This production of 50 students opens Thursday, February 18 and runs daily at 7:30 pm until Sunday, February 21 at the Fireman Performing Arts Center at Tabor Academy, Front Street. Photos by Colin Veitch

The Workshop167 viewsTabor Academy thespians did it again on Friday, February 25 with another hit drama “The Workshop,” with scenes and monologues written by the Creative Writing class. Directed by Joslyn Jenkins. Photos by Colin Veitch
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