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Classroom Donation179 viewsThe Mattapoisett Land Trust donated equipment to outfit an Outdoor Classroom, including a whiteboard and 24 colorful stools delivered to Old Hammondtown School by the Education Committee. Grade 5 students are working with Ben Squire, ORR District science coordinator, on an ongoing science compost project that analyzes the conditions needed for composting. The students have five pumpkins in different locations since last October and were looking at them for the first time last week. Photos by Ellen Flynn
Decision Day179 viewsMonday was Decision Day at ORR. Seniors sported attire showcasing their chosen destinations for their post High School days. Photos courtesy Erin Bednarczyk
Homecoming Week at ORR178 viewsIt was Homecoming Week at Old Rochester Regional High School, and October 23 was the annual ORR pep rally when students from each grade perform a skit to show school spirit. This year, the junior class took first place with its Peter Pan-themed skit. Photos by Jean Perry
Homecoming Week at ORR178 viewsIt was Homecoming Week at Old Rochester Regional High School, and October 23 was the annual ORR pep rally when students from each grade perform a skit to show school spirit. This year, the junior class took first place with its Peter Pan-themed skit. Photos by Jean Perry
Human Geometry178 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit
A Midsummer Night’s Dream178 viewsThe ORR High School Drama Club performed its fall production of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” over the weekend. The show opened on November 19 and ran until November 22. Drama teacher Paul Sardinha directed the play, and Helen Blake created the costumes. Photos by Colin Veitch
ORRJH Thanksgiving Banquet 178 viewsORR Junior High School eighth-graders hosted the annual Thanksgiving Banquet for Tri-Town Seniors on Sunday, November 22. About 90 student volunteers helped pass out turkey dinners and raffle prizes, and cafeteria staff also volunteered their time to provide a delicious meal of thanks to area senior citizens. Photos by Colin Veitch
Sparkle and Shine178 viewsCenter School’s first, second, and third graders treated their classmates and teachers to their annual holiday performance in the gymnasium on Monday, December 21. The students presented “Sparkle and Shine,” a musical celebrating the light at the top of the tree. Photos by Jean Perry
Sparkle and Shine178 viewsCenter School’s first, second, and third graders treated their classmates and teachers to their annual holiday performance in the gymnasium on Monday, December 21. The students presented “Sparkle and Shine,” a musical celebrating the light at the top of the tree. Photos by Jean Perry
RMS Students vs Staff Basketball Game178 viewsThe staff at Rochester Memorial School beat the students again for the 15th year in a row during the annual RMS students versus staff basketball game on January 22. The Friday night event attracted a gymnasium full of spectators who witnessed the staff’s 83-72 win over the students. Photos by Colin Veitch
Thoroughly Modern Millie178 viewsTabor Academy is set to debut its annual musical production, this year starring Aurelia Reynolds in “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” directed by John Heavey. This production of 50 students opens Thursday, February 18 and runs daily at 7:30 pm until Sunday, February 21 at the Fireman Performing Arts Center at Tabor Academy, Front Street. Photos by Colin Veitch
Thoroughly Modern Millie178 viewsTabor Academy is set to debut its annual musical production, this year starring Aurelia Reynolds in “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” directed by John Heavey. This production of 50 students opens Thursday, February 18 and runs daily at 7:30 pm until Sunday, February 21 at the Fireman Performing Arts Center at Tabor Academy, Front Street. Photos by Colin Veitch
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