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In the Heights184 viewsCome see the Tabor Academy winter production of “In the Heights” running February 15-17 at the Fireman Center for Performing Arts on Front Street. The production, written by famed “Hamilton” writer Lin-Manuel Miranda, is a “timeless story, but it’s also a modern play,” as Music Director John Horne described it. Tickets are free for all! Photos by Jean Perry
A Stranger in Camelot184 viewsIt’s a new day, a new drama production, and a new director with a new genre at RMS this year as the students prepare to perform this year’s spring drama “A Stranger in Camelot.” Come see the cast of 33 5th and 6th graders perform RMS’s rendition of Mark Twain’s “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” this Friday, May 4, at 7:00 pm at RMS. Photos by Jean Perry
Old Colony PTO Family Festival 184 viewsFamilies enjoy arts and crafts during the festival. Photos by Mick Colageo
Much Ado About Nothing183 viewsShakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” is this year’s fifth and sixth grade spring production at Rochester Memorial School. This is sixth grade teacher Danni Kleiman’s 29th year as the play director, producer, and writer. The performance is Friday, May 1 at 7:00 pm in the school cafetorium.
Homecoming Week at ORR183 viewsIt was Homecoming Week at Old Rochester Regional High School, and October 23 was the annual ORR pep rally when students from each grade perform a skit to show school spirit. This year, the junior class took first place with its Peter Pan-themed skit. Photos by Jean Perry
Human Geometry183 viewsAudiences enjoyed the first of two fall drama productions at Tabor Academy last week. Drama teacher Mark Howland wrote and directed “Human Geometry,” which focused on how mathematical concepts can be used to understand human relationships. Audiences can look forward to another fall production, “Bang Bang You’re Dead,” opening Thursday, November 12, at 7:30 pm at the Will Parker Black Box Theatre. The play addresses the serious matter of gun violence in American, particularly in schools. Photos by Colin Veit
Sparkle and Shine183 viewsCenter School’s first, second, and third graders treated their classmates and teachers to their annual holiday performance in the gymnasium on Monday, December 21. The students presented “Sparkle and Shine,” a musical celebrating the light at the top of the tree. Photos by Jean Perry
RMS Students vs Staff Basketball Game183 viewsThe staff at Rochester Memorial School beat the students again for the 15th year in a row during the annual RMS students versus staff basketball game on January 22. The Friday night event attracted a gymnasium full of spectators who witnessed the staff’s 83-72 win over the students. Photos by Colin Veitch
RMS Talent183 viewsRMS students strutted their stuff on Thursday, March 9, during the annual RMS Talent Show. A number of performers delighted the audience, including fifth-grader Storm Lanzoni who wowed the audience with his freestyle dancing and gymnastics. Photos by Colin Veitch
ORR Lockdown183 viewsORR was in lockdown on Thursday, April 14, after the Mattapoisett Police Department received a call pertaining to a gunman at the school. According to Captain Anthony Days of the Mattapoisett Police, an out-of-state call center alerted them of an Internet chat about a person with a gun at the school. The threat, along with about 30 other similar threats to Massachusetts’ schools that day, turned out to be a hoax. Photos by Jean Perry
Old Rochester Regional High Graduation 183 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional High Graduation ceremony on June 4 included speeches from Superintendent Doug White, Principal Michael Devoll, Class President Bailey Sweet, and Valedictorian Paige Watterson. The seniors then got together in one large circle to throw their caps in the air as the final act they would perform together as a class. Congratulations to the ORR Class of 2016! Photos by Colin Veitch
ORR Homecoming Week183 viewsHomecoming week always brings along the Friday afternoon pep rally at ORR High School when groups of students from each grade perform a skit, competing against each other for the top spot. Here, a senior performs in a skit based on the animated film Mulan. Photo by Colin Veitch
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