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RMS STEAM Night188 viewsRochester Memorial School hosted a STEAM night (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) on Thursday, March 30, in the RMS library. Students and parents enjoyed various hands-on stations featuring materials such as wooden sticks, clips, and plastic straws for engineering and building, as well as technology stations using “ozobots” to explore robotics. Photos by Jean Perry
Sippican Science Fair188 viewsEveryone was “sciencing” on Friday night, March 31, at Sippican School for the annual Sippican Science Fair. Photos by Colin Veitch
Sippican School Cub Reporters Team188 viewsThese three 6th grade members of the Sippican School Cub Reporters Team (Ava Noone, Rosie Lally and Katie Parks) met with nine-time Emmy Award winning Producer Angela Harrer from her new TV show The Folklorist at the New England High School Television and Film Conference at Millis High School on April 5. Photo courtesy Frank D. Noone
Center School Field Day188 viewsStudents at Center School enjoyed a day of fun in the sun on Friday, June 9, during the annual Field Day. The last day of school for students in the district is Wednesday, June 21. Photos by Jean Perry
Cardboard Boat Race 188 viewsORRJHS held the 6th annual Cardboard Boat Race on June 15 during S.C.O.P.E. week for 7th grade students. S.C.O.P.E. – Student Centered Opportunities for Personal Enrichment – is a week-long program that offers activities that challenge students while having fun! In addition to the cardboard boat race at the Mattapoisett YMCA, the week was filled with trips, tours, and activities, such as team building and the ropes course at the Dartmouth YMCA, a visit to Historic Faneuil Hall. Photo courtesy Kathryn Gauvin
Cardboard Boat Race 188 viewsORRJHS held the 6th annual Cardboard Boat Race on June 15 during S.C.O.P.E. week for 7th grade students. S.C.O.P.E. – Student Centered Opportunities for Personal Enrichment – is a week-long program that offers activities that challenge students while having fun! In addition to the cardboard boat race at the Mattapoisett YMCA, the week was filled with trips, tours, and activities, such as team building and the ropes course at the Dartmouth YMCA, a visit to Historic Faneuil Hall. Photo courtesy Kathryn Gauvin
Famous Massachusetts’ Person Presentations188 viewsThird grade students at Center School put on their annual Famous Massachusetts’ Person Presentations on Tuesday, June 20. Each student dressed as their chosen famous Bay Stater who made their mark on history and invited parents to watch the presentations. Photos by Jean Perry
Fare Thee Well188 viewsDanni Kleimann led the school staff one last time on Wednesday, June 21, for the annual RMS student send-off. This year, the day marked Kleimann’s last day at RMS as she is retiring after 31 years. Kleimann is best known for directing the Shakespeare plays at RMS and for orchestrating the student send-off every summer. Kleimann passed her baton on to sixth grade teacher Tracy Forns to carry out the traditions. Photos by Jean Perry
In the Heights188 viewsCome see the Tabor Academy winter production of “In the Heights” running February 15-17 at the Fireman Center for Performing Arts on Front Street. The production, written by famed “Hamilton” writer Lin-Manuel Miranda, is a “timeless story, but it’s also a modern play,” as Music Director John Horne described it. Tickets are free for all! Photos by Jean Perry
A Stranger in Camelot188 viewsIt’s a new day, a new drama production, and a new director with a new genre at RMS this year as the students prepare to perform this year’s spring drama “A Stranger in Camelot.” Come see the cast of 33 5th and 6th graders perform RMS’s rendition of Mark Twain’s “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” this Friday, May 4, at 7:00 pm at RMS. Photos by Jean Perry
Old Rochester Regional High School188 viewsOld Rochester Regional High School and Junior High School students returned to the classroom on a full-time basis beginning on Tuesday morning. The prescribed separate but nearby drop-off locations made it easy for students to maintain social distance under the new conditions. Grades 7-12 are the last in the ORR School District to pivot back to full, in-person learning. Photos by Mick Colageo
Old Colony PTO Family Festival 188 viewsFamilies enjoy arts and crafts during the festival. Photos by Mick Colageo
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