
Seniors in Fashion905 viewsThe Rochester Council on Aging (COA) sponsored a Senior Fashion Show at the Rochester Senior Center on Friday, May 19 as part of their “Senior Week” activities. Several volunteer COA models showed off fashions from Bon Worth, located in the Vanity Fair Outlet in North Dartmouth. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).

Land Ho!905 viewsWeary contestants in the 2006 Annual Memorial Day Boat Race on the Mattapoisett River heave their wooden boat from the water after crossing the finish line. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).

Fairhaven Town Hall900 viewsFairhaven Town Hall

Rochester Congregational Church898 viewsRochester Congregational Church

Defib Donation897 viewsRochester Chief Dispatcher Tracy Eldridge (left) presents Rochester Police Chief Paul Magee (right) with a new portable defibrillator which Ms. Eldridge managed to purchase with a donation she solicited from People in Business Care (PIBC). The $3,000 donated unit will be kept inside one of the on-duty police cruisers at all times. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).

Witch Rock, Rochester894 viewsWitch Rock, Rochester

Marion Fire Department893 viewsMarion Fire Department

Winning Smile890 viewsNewly-elected Marion Selectman Roger F. Blanchette flashes a winning smile just moments before hearing he handily defeated incumbent David K. Pierce in the May 30 Annual Town Election. He garnered 666 votes to Mr. Pierce's 579. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).

Ducks in a Row889 viewsAristides Papadakis of Rochester and Roland Martin III of West Wareham (Team #37) try to keep up with two unregistered contestants in the 2006 Annual Memorial Day Boat Race on the Mattapoisett River. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).

Buzzards Bay Regatta 2006887 viewsBoats filled Sippican Harbor in Marion on Sunday, August 6 for the 2006 running of the Buzzards Bay Regatta. (Photo by Taylor Mello).

Mattapoisett Harbor885 viewsMattapoisett Harbor

Tabulating Trees883 viewsDeborah Smiley, a member of Mattapoisett’s Tree Committee, measures trees in Shipyard Park as part of her study on trees in the town’s village. She is assisted by ORR eighth grader Olivia McLean, who is doing the work as community service. (Photo by Laura McLean).
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