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Marion Harbormaster’s Office139 viewsThe existing Marion harbormaster’s office at Island Wharf has been a topic of conversation and the subject of debate as the town considers a proposal for a new Marine Center. On Saturday morning, May 15, Harbormaster Isaac Perry gathered with Marine Resources Commission Chairman Vin Malkoski and interested citizens for an in-person presentation on the revised proposal for the new facility. Photo by Ryan Feeney - May 20, 2021 edition
2020 halloween Cover Contest138 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Maisie McLacklan-Post
2020 halloween Cover Contest138 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Abigail Jacques
2020 halloween Cover Contest137 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Jordan Illingsworth
Rochester Historical Society’s 137 viewsRochester Historical Society’s - May 27, 2021 edition
2020 halloween Cover Contest136 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Mac Silvia
Mattapoisett Sunset136 viewsA spectacular sunset is a spectacular sunset anytime of the year, and this one took over southwest Mattapoisett on November 10, only an hour earlier than it would have in October. The afternoons were already getting shorter before the resetting of the clocks dramatically altered our seasonal mindscape under a sun that sits farther and farther south, giving way earlier in the day to big orange moons emerging from the horizon. Photo by Marilou Newell
2021 Groundhog Cover Contest135 views2021 Groundhog Cover Contest by Elsa Pothier
ORR Class of 2021134 viewsSaturday’s commencement exercises at Old Rochester Regional High School saw 188 members of the Class of 2021 graduate, and they and their families heard speeches from Valedictorian Katelyn Luong and Class President Bess Pierre, along with words from keynote members of the district and school administration. Cary Humphrey, who is leaving the ORR School Committee after a decade of service including his role as chairperson, handed out diplomas. Photos by Ryan Feeney - June 10, 2021 edition
2020 halloween Cover Contest133 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Sophie Bozzo
Tinkhamtown Chapel Christmas Carol Singalong132 viewsSunday's participants in the Tinkhamtown Chapel Christmas Carol Singalong braved a dramatic, postsunset drop in temperature and enjoyed the warmth of a solo bonfire loaned to the event by Lee Heald. Gail Roberts led distributed sheet music and led in song with musicians Louise Anthony playing the fiddle and Jack Dean the ukulele. Roberts thanked the White family for providing refreshments, the Chapel committee for its effort in maintaining the chapel - December 23, 2021
The Covers of 2024132 viewsThe covers of 2024! As we bid farewell to 2024 and say “hello” to 2025, here’s a look back of the covers of this past year. We are looking forward to a great 2025 and wish everyone a Happy New Year! January 2, 2025 edition
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