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Lobster Boat161 viewsThe Serene lobster fishing boat owned by Sam Nicolosi sits peacefully in its winter home. During the summer months, Serene is moored in Mattapoisett Harbor when it's not working the waters off Martha’s Vineyard. Lobster fishing has been part of the New England way of life for decades. A 1911 report written by the Commission on Fisheries and Game noted that lobsters were believed to reach as long as 4 feet. Photo by Marilou Newell
Fifth Grade Tree Poster Contest159 viewsOld Hammondtown Elementary School student Cabot Van Keuren, 11, put together an idea so well that his painting for the Mattapoisett Fifth Grade Tree Poster Contest was judged to be the best among the 29 entries that can be seen this week at the Mattapoisett Library. Cabot’s poster, following the 2024 theme of “Healthy Trees, Healthy Towns,” will be entered in the annual statewide contest that was won last year by Old Hammondtown student Emma Lowe. Photo by Mick Colageo - March 21, 2024 edition
Brotherhood Ride 157 viewsJosh Fardy Jr., 21 months, had himself a ball the way only a kid can, stomping his firefighter boots to the music and splashing in a puddle during the June 12 Kids Brotherhood Ride at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School. The Marion resident's father, Josh Fardy Sr., is a Marion firefighter. Children preregistered for the event that raised upwards of $3,000 that will go to families affected by the loss of a first responder in the line of duty. Photo by Mick Colageo - June 17, 2021 edition
Marion Garden Group156 viewsThe Marion Garden Group hosted a tour on June 25, beginning in Bicentennial Park and circulating through the town to enjoy the cultivated beauty of the season. Photos by Ryan Feeney. July 1, 2021 edition
2020 halloween Cover Contest155 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Cabot Van Keuren
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus154 viewsMr. and Mrs. Santa Claus make their turn through Rochester Village onto New Bedford Road on December 5. Transported by the Rochester Fire Department on a journey that began at Fire Station No. 3 at 200 Ryder Road and accompanied by Santa’s helpers riding along in trucks, Mr. and Mrs. Claus made their way down many Rochester roads, spending hours to visit hundreds of children waiting at the end of their driveways and on street corners. A Google map device tracked Santa’s whereabouts throughout the ride. Phot
Mattapoisett Fire Station153 viewsThe Mattapoisett Fire Station Building Committee has seen through to completion the town’s new facility on Route 6. Before the December 11 raising of the American flag, hundreds gathered inside to hear from the committee’s members and town officials. Fire Chief Andrew Murray presented the shovel that first broke ground to Committee Chairman Mike Hickey and certificates of appreciation to Hickey, Committee member William Kantor, Fire Department Captain Jordan Collyer, Photos by Mick Colageo
Poster Contest153 viewsAdriana Cruz, a Grade 5 student, explained that it took a lot of blue colored pencil to fill in the sky complementing her winning entry in the Rochester Memorial School Christmas Tree poster contest. The blue in Rochester’s sky had gone dark on Monday when Cruz threw the switch to light the town’s tree on the village lawn. Photo by Mick Colageo. December 7, 2023
2020 halloween Cover Contest152 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Maxine Motta
2020 halloween Cover Contest151 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Maya Warren
2020 halloween Cover Contest150 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Mila B
Hurricane Heights150 viewsSigns on a telephone poll alongside Mattapoisett Neck Road at the south end of the causeway at Molly’s Cove indicate flood levels that have resulted from historic storms. Looking north, one can see the marsh area that has become, along with the road itself, a topic of concern resulting in a study meant to address long-term access to and from the neck. Photo by Mick Colageo - April 1, 2021 edition
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