Most viewed - Cover Photos

Harvest Time238 viewsGourds, pumpkins, yellow peppers, and a variety of tomatoes decorate a farm stand on North Street in Mattapoisett on Monday. Harvest season is upon us, as the Tri-Town region is run over with produce from businesses to family farms to backyard gardens. Photo by Ryan Feeney - September 3, 2020 edition

Mattapoisett Sailing236 viewsThe Mattapoisett Sailing program is in its final week for the 2020 season. Begun in 2006 in memory of William Mee, the program is open to community children divided into two age groups that meet weekday mornings and afternoons at Mattapoisett Town Beach. From 9-11 am and 1-3 pm, students sail under the watchful eye of experienced instructors and three safety boats. For more information on how to support this non-profit organization, visit

Marion Fireworks235 viewsDena Xifaras shared this photo of her daughter, Zoe Papadakis, and her friend, Sadie Hartley-Matteson, swimming during the Marion fireworks that were held on July 1 off Silvershell Beach. July 7, 2022 edition

2020 halloween Cover Contest232 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Genevieve Hebert

2020 Covers230 viewsWe wish all of our readers a prosperous and healthy 2021. An especially challenging 2020 was overmatched by the resiliency of our local businesses, and we learned a whole new level of appreciation for our advertisers who have endured, emerged, and pressed on, spreading their successes to The Wanderer and the Tri-Town community we serve! The cover of the New Year's Eve, online-only edition of The Wanderer features 49 of our 2020 covers.

2021 Groundhog Cover Contest229 views2021 Groundhog Cover Contest by Genevieve Hebert

Early Voting228 viewsThe Town of Marion’s 2,430 early-voting ballots sit on a table in the office of Town Clerk Lissa Magauran on Monday morning, ready to be removed from their envelopes and processed. The early ballots represent 56 percent of the town’s 4,374 registered voters. As of October 30, another 100 requested early ballots had gone unreturned. Of Marion’s 2,430 early ballots, 830 were cast in person at the Town House, the rest sent by mail. November 5, 2020 edition

Mendell Road218 viewsAmidst Tuesday’s silent backdrop of rust-colored leaves nestled between a stone wall and Mendell Road, the Town of Rochester has done a great deal of business over the last week sandwiching a Special Town Meeting in between two Board of Selectmen meetings yielding approval for new highway equipment, the codification of bylaws, and a new assessor’s report. Stories inside. Photo by Mick Colageo - November 19, 2020 edition

COVER 111220216 viewsThe World War I memorial welcomes Monday morning’s sunlight at the south end of the Mattapoisett Public Library on Barstow Street. The Civil War memorial can be seen in the background. Veterans Day ceremonies in the Tri-Town were affected by the recent spike in local COVID-19 cases, but on November 11 Mike Lamoureux was scheduled for commendation for over 35 years of service as post commander to the American Legion. Barry Denham, whose grandfather was a WWI veteran. Nov. 12, 2020 edition

Fill-A-Cruiser Toy Drive214 viewsSunday’s Fill-A-Cruiser toy drive at Sippican Elementary School was a success! Volunteers representing the Marion Police Department, Police Brotherhood, and Sippican School (VASE) welcomed a parade of vehicles of families dropping off a variety of Christmas gifts for cookies and cupcakes. Marion Police Chief John Garcia donned the Santa suit and took pictures with kids in school resource officer Matt McGraw’s 1924 Ford Model-T. Photos by Mick Colageo. December 10, 2020 edition

Tabor Academy214 viewsTabor Academy's seal sits on the walkway outside the Stroud Academic Center on the Marion campus where new Head of School Tony Jaccaci officially began his tenure on July 1. Originally from Andover, Jaccaci had previously spent his career in Middletown, Rhode Island; Shanghai, China; and Cincinnati, Ohio. Photo courtesy of Ryan Feeney - July 29, 2021 edition

Vernal Pools212 viewsEleven-year-olds Ava Duponte (center), and Jonalisa Vieira (right), of Mattapoisett, handle what are believed to be salamander and wood frog egg masses. The children participated in an April 17 exploration of a vernal pool led by Mattapoisett Land Trust Treasurer and wildlife expert Gary Johnson (left). The exploration led a party of 10 along a muddy trail through the woods off Angelica Avenue past a forest clearing and ultimately to two vernal pools. Photo by Mick Colageo April 22, 2021
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