Most viewed - Cover Photos

Kayaking off Angelica Point265 viewsEllen Scholter-Walker shared this sunset photo taken while kayaking off Angelica Point. You can share your photos with our readers as well by sending them to Thank you to everyone who has shared and thank you Ellen!

2021 Groundhog Cover Contest263 views2021 Groundhog Cover Contest by Piper Newell

2021 Groundhog Cover Contest259 views2021 Groundhog Cover Contest by Andrew Hebert

Marion Town House255 viewsAs of June 26, the Marion Town House was showing signs of an overhaul that will continue on the historic building, with the receipt of a $150,000 donation from the Sippican Historical Society. Included in the project is interior work that will promote public safety in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. There is still more work to be done on the exterior of the building and surrounding shrubs. See story. Photo by Ryan Feeney - July 2, 2020 edition

2021 Groundhog Cover Contest255 views2021 Groundhog Cover Contest by Caroline Houdelette

On the Road254 viewsA bicyclist rides along Water Street in Mattapoisett, while a car approaches. As more and more bicycles, cars, trucks, and joggers crowd village and rural roads, frustration and intimidation are on the rise. See story inside from which cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians can learn. Photo by Ryan Feeney - July 30, 2020 edition

2020 halloween Cover Contest248 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Andrew Hebert

2020 halloween Cover Contest244 views2020 Halloween Cover Contest by Holly Langenfeld

2021 Groundhog Cover Contest244 views2021 Groundhog Cover Contest by Gabriella Estevez

Snow Spirits242 viewsMary Cabral was driving past Munro Park on her way to the Mattapoisett Town Wharf when she spotted two young children playing there in the snow. Later while walking through the park, she happened upon the result of the children’s activity, a pair of “snow spirit” sculptures. “The sculptures were so cute and seemed to be watching over the park bench that is dedicated to Ellen Flynn's parents,” wrote Cabral. Photo courtesy of Mary Cabral - February 25, 2021 edition

Bufflehead Duck239 viewsA male bufflehead duck was recently spotted on his migratory path on Buzzards Bay. Birder Justin Barrett of Marion educated a Zoom audience on winter season migratory birds in a February 10 event sponsored by the Marion Natural History Museum. Barrett discussed birding as an effortful activity not to be confused with birdwatching. Photo courtesy Moe Molander

Barbies238 viewsMany neighbors and friends have been asking about the Barbies. Due to virus concerns, we made a conscious decision not to create the display this year since it draws so many visitors of all ages to congregate near our gate. Instead, the Barbies are observing social-distancing guidelines with masks on, as this photo taken on July 4 illustrates. We hope that the full crew will be out next year.
Photo by Teresa Dall - July 9, 2020 edition
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