Most viewed - Cover Photos

Spell that again?369 views Tucked away safely inside the Town Clerk’s Office is a list of 133 ways to misspell Mattapoisett. Ellis Mendell (1834-1907), the Mattapoisett postmaster around the turn of the century, kept a list of the many ways he has seen Mattapoisett misspelled on the letters that have passed through his post office. Which one is your favorite? Cover design by Paul Lopes

2011 Halloween Cover Contest368 viewsAn entry in our 2011 Halloween Cover Contest by Brea Bachard

Buzzards Bay Regatta368 viewsOn August 3-5, the Annual Buzzards Bay Regatta was held, drawing over 400 boats and 1200 sailors from across the country. The race is the largest multi-class yacht regatta in the USA. Despite foggy weather, all of the boats had strong showings. Photo by Anne Smith.

2015 Halloween Cover Contest368 views2015 Halloween Cover Contest entry by Angela Pedulli

2015 Halloween Cover Contest368 views2015 Halloween Cover Contest entry by Chloe Christensen

2015 Halloween Cover Contest368 views2015 Halloween Cover Contest entry by Corbin Blanchard

2010 Halloween Cover Contest367 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2010 Halloween Cover Contest

Family Fun is Far Out!367 viewsThere were plenty of groovy things to do at the 1960s-themed Rochester Family Fun Day on August 21, 2011. After a parade that featured far-out tractors, kids got to enjoy potato sack races, a vinyl-decorating contest, a magic show, a baseball game and much more. Photos by Felix Perez and Laura Fedak Pedulli. August 28, 2011 edition

Old Rochester Little League367 views The Old Rochester Little League held their parade and opening day on Saturday April 27. The festivities included the National Anthem sung by Jennel Garcia and opening pitches thrown by Police Chief’s Lincoln Miller (Marion), Mary Lyons (Mattapoisett), and Paul McGee (Rochester), as well as Fire Chiefs Thomas Joyce (Marion), Andrew Murray (Mattapoisett) and Scott Weigel (Rochester). Photos by Felix Perez.

2016 Groundhog Day Cover Contest367 viewsAn entry from our 2016 Groundhog Day Cover contest by Brittany Lestage

2017 Halloween Cover Contest Entry367 views2017 Halloween Cover Contest Entry by John Horan

Rochester Farm Stand367 viewsIn Rochester you either run a farm stand or you patronize a farm stand. Either way, you can’t make it to the end of a windy Rochester road without encountering a farm stand at this time of year, stocked with the autumn essentials grown in the Rochester ground and picked by Rochester hands. Photo by Jean Perry October 3, 2019 edition
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