Most viewed - Cover Photos

Cover Contest Entry404 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2009 Halloween Cover Contest

Rabbit Season!404 viewsEmily Reardon enjoys time with the Easter Bunny at Plumb Corner Mall's Easter egg hunt in Rochester on Saturday April 16, 2011. Photo by Felix Perez. April 21, 2011 edition

Take a Hike!404 views In our first installment of “Take a Hike!” we visited Church’s Field in Rochester off Mattapoisett Road. This Rochester Land trust property is easily accessible, with off-road parking and a wide, mulched trail – and, despite the persistent occupation of winter, there is beauty to be found in every season in Tri-Town. The trail loops through a Holly tree grove, passing mossy glacial outcroppings of rocks, and leads to a river, where the historical ruins of the Church family saw mill wait to be rediscovered.

2014 Halloween Cover Contest404 views2014 Halloween Cover Contest entry by Jed Dupre

New England Waters404 viewsEven in the throes of winter, seaside life persists in the icy cold New England waters. On Monday, January 19, two men were seen digging for quahogs during low tide in Mattapoisett Harbor at the end of Reservation Road. Donning waders and wielding rakes, the two men persisted in their winter work, while seagulls above them did the same. Photo by Colin Veitch. January 22, 2015 edition

Mattapoisett Firefighters Association Chowder Competition404 viewsAt the Mattapoisett Firefighters Association Chowder Competition on Sunday, descendants of the late retired Mattapoisett Fire Chief Donald “Woody” Wood posed together for a photo near an engine Wood operated during his career. Wood’s two daughters, Susan McMahon and Betsy Wood Jackson, along with four granddaughters, a grandson, and three great-granddaughters remembered Wood, with McMahon saying as she gestured to her family, “He’s the reason for all of ‘this’.” Wood passed away just this past May.

Omaha Aardvarks403 views All the way from Omaha we bring you Aayla Aardvark. Aayla was born in October to parents Anikin and Alvin, and resides in the nocturnal exhibit at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium. In the pictures the aardvarks are playing with The Wanderer mascot aardvark toys!

Vocabulary Day Parade 403 viewsA living, breathing, (and giggling) dictionary of vocabulary words displayed their intellect and imagination at Rochester Memorial School during its first annual Vocabulary Day Parade on April 4. Photo by Jean Perry

Cairns402 viewsCairns have started cropping up again along the beach at the Nasketucket Bay State Reservation. The stacks of balanced rocks stand in and along the water’s edge, leaving behind the message to all others who pass, “I was here.” Photo by Jean Perry

2016 Halloween Cover Contest402 views2016 Halloween Cover Contest entry by Jordan Medeiros

2016 Halloween Cover Contest402 views2016 Halloween Cover Contest entry by Kayne Torman

2019 Groundhog Cover Contest402 views2019 Groundhog Cover Contest entry by Taylor Souza
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