Most viewed - Cover Photos

2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry492 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry

2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry492 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry

2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry492 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry

ORR Debate Team492 viewsThe Old Rochester Regional Debate Team has just concluded a successful season. Twenty-five students from ORR were included in the 300 students in the Eastern Massachusetts Debate League from 15 schools from around Massachusetts. March 4, 2021 edition

Peace, Love, Rochester491 viewsOn the Cover: A groovy time was had by all at the 1960s Theme Dance Fundraiser ¬– an event supporting next year’s Rochester Country Fair – last Saturday, November 13, 2010 at the Ponderosa. Photo by Felix Perez. November 18, 2010 edition

2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry490 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry

Earth Day490 viewsHappy Earth Day! This issue is a celebration of all things green and sustainable. There are lots of environmental efforts going on in the Tri-Town lately, including an upcoming ORR Tri-Town farmers’ market, a new community garden in Mattapoisett, and talk of solar panels at Old Hammondtown School. Make sure you read this issue cover to cover and then recycle it! April 22, 2010 edition

Spring490 viewsWe are just wild about the unfolding signs of spring! This patch of crocuses was spotted alongside Mattapoisett Road in Rochester. The purple blossoms were buzzing with dozens and dozens of bees already in the swing of spring. Photo by Jean Perry - March 2, 2017 edition

2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry489 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry

Double Rainbow489 viewsIf you missed the spectacular double rainbow over the Tri-Town region last Thursday, then behold! Here is a great shot taken from the Rochester center by Thomas Parker.

Elf!489 viewsMake way for Buddy the Elf! – Our newest favorite elf has made his way to the Tri-Town in the ORRHS Drama Club’s Christmas production of Elf the Musical. Opening night is Thursday, December 5, with shows and special “Santa Matinees” running until Sunday, December 8. Pictured here, Buddy, played by Andrew Steele, is ecstatic to have found his estranged and rather grumpy human birth father, Walter Hobbs, played by Luke Cuoto. Photo by Jean Perry

2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry488 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Entry
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