Most viewed - Cover Photos

2007 Rochester Cover Art Entry599 viewsEntry for the 2007 Rochester Cover Art Contest submitted by Lucille Jardin

2007 Halloween Covert Art Entry599 views2007 Halloween Covert Art Entry

Fall on the Farm598 viewsPumpkins and ‘mums are tell-tale signs that autumn is in full bloom in the tri-town area. Here the seasonal gourds are lined up at Eastover Farm in Rochester awaiting someone to bring them home to adorn their front porch. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).

Mattapoisett Fire 598 viewsAutism Awareness is in the air this November at the Mattapoisett Fire Station after firefighters completed special training to help them understand how to provide appropriate support for an autistic person during an emergency call. The training was sponsored by the Autism and Law Enforcement Coalition (ALEC) and led by an area firefighter who is the parent of an autistic child. November 21, 2019

2007 Mattapoisett Cover Art Entry596 viewsEntry for the 2007 Matapoisett Cover Art Contest submitted by Paula Cobb

Opening Day595 viewsThe Rochester Youth Baseball League held their annual opening day ceremony and parade on Saturday, April 11. About 400 people, including players, coaches and their families, participated in the procession that made its way down Route 105 to Gifford Park’s Al Herbert Memorial Field for the opening day festivies. Photo by Robert Chiarito. (April 16, 2009 edition)

2007 Mattapoisett Cover Art Entry594 viewsEntry for the 2007 Matapoisett Cover Art Contest submitted by Beatrice Johnson

Cover Contest Entry594 viewsOne of the many entries in the 2009 Halloween Cover Contest

Back to Reality592 viewsMembers of the Tabor Academy Drama Club rehearse a scene for Back To Reality, an original play consisting of a series of comedic scenes that share a sense of absurdity or “unreality.” The unique show will be staged at Tabor Academy in the Will Parker Black Box Theater on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 8, 9, and 10 at 7:30 pm each night. There is no admission charge, but reservations can be made by calling 508-748-2000. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).

Winding Trail592 viewsA boardwalk stretches through "Eastover South", a new Marion
hiking trail that is being built by the Trustees of Reservation and a
group of local volunteers. Photo by Robert Chiarito - July 30, 2009 Edition

Ready, Set, Rochester!591 viewsA busy week for Rochester including the Grange Fair, Rochester Country Fair, Road Race, and Museum Open House. August 20, 2009 edition

Appetizing Apparition591 views“Appetizing Apparition” – Six-year-old Nathan Grossman decided to behold his breakfast long enough to notice something different about this piece of bacon before taking a bite. “Hey, look! The bacon looks like the Seahorse!" Grossman shouted out, according to Liza Appleby of Mattapoisett who witnessed the excitement. “I surprisingly had to agree,” said Appleby. “It certainly did look like Salty the Mattapoisett Seahorse.” Photo courtesy Liza Appleby November 14, 2019
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