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Spring into Summer630 viewsMany people took advantage of the recent unseasonably warm weather. Photo by Robert Chiarito (April 30, 2009 edition)
PMC Bike Rally630 viewsThe Third Annual Pan Mass Challenge Kids Tri-Town Ride attracted several hundred young bicyclist to the ORR campus on Saturday morning, May 16, for a bike rally to help defeat cancer. Proceeds from the event will go to several charities in the state such as the Jimmy Fund and Dana- Farber Cancer Institute to assist in cancer research. The rally was expected to raise more than $15,000. Photo by Robert Chiarito.
Readers in Rochester628 viewsRochester Selectman Dan McGaffey reads to students in Mr. Davignon’s fourth grade class at Memorial School during last week’s “Reading is Fundamental” guest reader program. Mr. McGaffey also took the opportunity to give the class a quick civics lesson and explained the differences between the town and city forms of government within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Groundhog Cover Entry 2007627 viewsEntry for the 2007 Groundhogs Day Cover Art Contest submitted by Serena Jaskolka
All-Stars Shine627 viewsNick Cassavechia of the Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox and a member of the East Division All-Star Reserve Team warms up in the bullpen during the 2007 Cape Cod League All-Star Game held on Saturday, July 28 at Spillane Field in Wareham. Nick went on to take the win, 3-2, against the West Division All-Stars during a capacity game. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
No Strings Attached627 viewsThe Old Hammondtown Drama Club presented the play No Strings Attached on April 16, 2009 in the School's auditorium. The play, a musical version of the story of Pinocchio, was directed by ORRHS student Chelsie Nectow and included a cast of several dozen OHS students. Photo by Robert Chiarito (April 23, 2009 cover)
2007 Mattapoisett Cover Art Entry626 viewsEntry for the 2007 Matapoisett Cover Art Contest submitted by Lucille Jardin
Rodeo Champs626 views(L. to R.) Rochester Highway Department members Bob Lake, Highway Surveyor Jeff Eldridge, and Bob Laferriere pose with the trophy they received for taking First Place in the recent New England Chapter of the American Public Works Association’s (APWA) Regional Snow Plow Rodeo held in Manchester, NH. Rochester’s Highway Department has won multiple awards in past competitions, but this marks the first time they have taken top honors in both the state and regional events in the same year. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Sweet Treat626 viewsMarion resident Thomas Shire spins some fresh cotton candy treats during the end-of-summer Marion Block Party held on Sunday, August 31 in front of the Marion Town House. Sponsored by the Benjamin D. Cushing Post 2425 VFW, the annual event has a long history in the Town of Marion and included plenty of food, fun and frolic with dancing and music courtesy of DJ Roger Chartier. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Nautical St. Nick626 viewsSanta Claus arrived via “water sleigh” in Sippican Harbor in Marion on Sunday, December 14 to participate in the town’s annual Christmas Village Stroll. After arriving at Barden’s Boatyard and wading through a group of eager little girls and boys, Santa climbed onto a horse and buggy and took rides with children through the streets of Marion’s center village. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Sailing Away626 viewsThe 2009 Marion to Bermuda Cruising Yacht Race Class B start. Left to Right; 73113 Crackerjack, Alan Krulisch, Cambria 40; 51703, Restive, George P. Denny III, Alden 48 Custom; 93310, Triple Lindy, Joseph Mele, Swan44 MK II; and NA 23, Defiance, Robert King, Navy 44 Mark 2. Photo by Fran Grenon, June 25, 2009 edition.
Par for the Course625 viewsLocal golfers (from left) Brandon Oldham, John Coucci and Justin Downey will all be competing in the American Junior Golf Association’s (AJGA) Fidelity Investments Junior Classic Tournament to be held at The Bay Club in Mattapoisett on July 21-24. Brandon and Justin were both members of last year’s undefeated ORR Golf Team, and John played for the Golf Team at Bishop Stang High School. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
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