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Groundhog Cover Entry 2007641 viewsEntry for the 2007 Groundhogs Day Cover Art Contest submitted by Chad Boston Santello
Dancing in the Street640 viewsMarion's Benjamin D. Cushing Post VFW 2425 gave the town one last chance to kick up its heels before sending the kids back to school as they threw an end-of-the-season Block Party in honor the town’s World War II and other veterans. The event held on Spring Street in front of Marion’s Town House on Saturday night, August 25 also helped raised funds for the town's ambulance fund. (Photo by Laurie Chiarito).
ORR Grads Shine640 viewsOld Rochester Regional High School’s tight-knit Class of 2008 bonded together for one last time on the field of the ORR campus to toss their graduation caps high into the air just after receiving their diplomas during Commencement Exercises held on Saturday, June 7 at the school. Inset: Boston’s Fox 25 Morning News Anchor Gene Lavanchy embraces our very own mascot, the Aardvark, during the show’s popular Zip Trip to Mattapoisett on Friday, June 6. The event drew a sizeable crowd of locals to Shipyard Park.
2007 Marion Cover Contest Winner!639 viewsEntry for the 2007 Groundhogs Day Cover Art Contest submitted by Lucille Jardin entitles "I'll go if you will."
Setting Sail637 viewsEntry for the 2007 Rochester Cover Art Contest submitted by Jeanne Sylvester
Tri-Town Toddlers637 viewsChildren participate in a washing machine game that involves taking a ride through the wash cycle using a parachute during the Tri-Town Early Childhood Council’s Teddy Bear Picnic held on Saturday, September 22 at the scenic Great Hill Farm in Marion. The event, designed to introduce parents to the area’s early childhood programs, was held on the lawn of a castle-like mansion overlooking Buzzards Bay. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Happy Halloween!637 views2008 Halloween Cover Contest Winner
Chop Off the ol' Block636 viewsThe popular Woodsman Show kicked off a weekend full of old-fashioned, family-friendly fun and entertainment as the Eighth Annual Rochester Country Fair got underway. Here a participant chops his way through the “springboard competition” during Friday night’s show. Throngs of people made their way to Rochester’s town center on August 17, 18 and 19 to enjoy sack races, bullfrog races, a block dance and bonfire, and a festive parade on Sunday with the theme “Set Sail to the Islands.” (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
Groundhog Cover Entry 2007635 viewsEntry for the 2007 Groundhogs Day Cover Art Contest submitted by Geneva Smith
Fantasticks Return635 viewsCast members of the Marion Art Center's summer production of The Fantasticks include Nathan Valente as El Gallo; Evan Berry as Matt; Bruce Lackey as Huckabee; Amanda Kruger as Luisa; Paul Kandarian as Bellamy; Bruce Cobbold as Henry; Tom O'Shaughnessy as Mortimer; and Jamie Mahaney as The Mute. The musical will be staged at the Marion Art Center July 27 and 28; August 2, 3 and 4 at 8:00 pm; and Sunday, July 29 at 2:00 pm. For tickets, please call 508-748-1266. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Thankful Tri-Town635 viewsSeniors from Mattapoisett, Marion and Rochester were all treated to the annual Thanksgiving Dinner served by students at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School on Sunday, November 18, 2007. The annual holiday tradition included a hearty meal, raffle prizes, and the fellowship of young and old alike. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza).
Winter Wonderland630 viewsMattapoisett landmark “Salty the Seahorse” sits watching over the town’s Dunseith Gardens on the corner of Route 6 and North Street on a cold, winter day. The Mattapoisett Land Trust will be sponsoring a Kubb game on Sunday afternoon, January 18 at the site. Kubb is said to be an old Swedish game whose origins may date back to the time of the Vikings and is a cross between bocce ball and horseshoes. The games begin at 1:30 pm. (Photo by Robert Chiarito).
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